How can psychological disorders be classified? - Chapter 5

What are concepts in classification systems?

The terms classification, assessment and diagnosis are used to describe the process of description and grouping. Classification (or taxonomy) stands for creating large categories or dimensions of behavioural disorders. It is a system for describing phenomena. These systems are mostly for clinical or scientific purposes. A diagnosis is when a category or classification is considered applicable to an individual. Assessment refers to evaluating (young) people to facilitate classification and diagnosis and to make treatment plans.

Classification systems try to systematically describe a phenomenon. For example, biologists have classification systems for organisms, such as cold and warm-blooded animals. There are also systems for classifying psychological problems. These systems describe categories or dimensions of problem behaviour, emotions and / or cognitions.

A category is a discrete grouping, for example anxiety disorders, to which an individual belongs or does not belong. A dimension , on the other hand, is a continuous property that can occur in various sizes. For example, there are different degrees to which a child is anxious.

The categories or dimensions in a classification system must be clearly defined: the criteria must be explicitly named. In addition, a distinction must be made between the different categories. It must also be proven that a category or dimension actually exists, meaning that the characteristics used to describe a category or dimension must regularly occur together.

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