How do managers communicate and negotiate across cultures? - Chapter 6


Underlying every negotiation that takes place in an international context is the process of cross-cultural communication. Communication is transmitting messages, including information about the nature of the relationship, to another person who interprets these messages and gives them meaning. For the understanding of the message, the sender and receiver must share a vast amount of common information, called grounding. This information is updated during each communication practice. Cross-cultural communication is more difficult and demanding than communication within a single culture, because there is less grounding information. The term cultural field means in this context that there is a field of culturally based elements of a person’s background that influence communication. How effective the cross-cultural communication is, depends on the lack of distortion. There are several reasons for distortion to happen:

  • The encoded message can be affected by the communication skills and knowledge of the sender and by the associated cultural field. The ability to encode accurately is determined by our skill in the chosen channel.
  • The symbols a person uses to express an idea vary with the cultural field. Convenience and skill are important determinants in the choice of medium.
  • All of the factors that affect the sender also influence the receiver. Therefore, the receiver must also be skilled in the medium in use and have sufficient knowledge to interpret the message correctly.
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