Smokey Projects & Tours


Smokey Projects & Tours
Smokey Tours are not just tours. They offer experience, believing that deep experience equals deep insight. The tours and Smokey projects are unique and honest; a testimony of changing times and our global interconnectedness. All tours are guided by well-trained local tour leaders, who come from underprivileged communities and are educated to run eye-opening tours around Metro Manila.

Do you want to book a tour?

Bless the Children Foundation is the local organization in Metro Manila anila that is responsible for booking a tour and the training of the tourleaders in the slums
You can contact directly Bless the Children Foundation in Manila preferably by e-mail only!
Stating the following information in your e-mail:
(WhatsApp) number:
Number of people attending the tour:
Preferred date and time: (AM/PM; MM/DD/YY)
Preferred tour area:
Option 1: Smokey Mountain and Happyland Tour (Tondo, Manila)
Option 2: Baseco Tour (Port Area, Manila)

Bless the Children Foundation

Bless strives for a better future for Filipino children. The better future will be offered to selected families of the poorest of the poor in Metro Manila. The method being used is to give power back to the families, mothers specifically. The mothers are trained to become the tourleaders of the tour. To have your child sponsored to go to school or be part of the malnutrition program, the families are empowered and helped in an holistic way. So the results are more long term and self esteem is given back to the people.


Contact & Location
Smokey Projects
p/a Stationsweg 2D, 2312 AV Leiden




World Supporter CV

'What we contribute to the World'.

Help & Inspire

  • We have worked together with a couple of organizations throughtout the years. The proceeds of the Slum Tour were given to a local NGO, which is CREST, providing relief after typhoons and other disasters. Smokey Tours and CREST have done projects in the community together.
  • CREST helps the community with:
    • Relief after typhoons and other disasters (food and shelter)
    • Trainings to prepare for typhoons and disasters
    • Fire warning systems
    • Organizing community centers
    • Daycares for children
    • Community Health Centers 
  • The Slum Tour is organized to provide livelihood for the local tour leaders in the slums in Manila.

Travel & Cooperate

  • Smokey Tours is located in Metro Manila.
  • Smokey Tours offers four different tours and educates impoverished people to become professional tour leaders.

Learning & Developing Talent

  • Guests will get an insight and gain knowledge of 'the other side of Manila'.
  • Tour Leaders of Smokey Tours improve their English, learn tour leading and leadership skills. 

Work & Initiate

  • The Smokey Slum Tour was the first tour of Smokey Tours. 
  • Smokey Tours also developed a Market (Food) Tour, a Bicycle Tour and a Cemetery Tour.

Make a donation

  • If you want to support Smokey Tours you are very welcome to give a donation. By donating to Smokey Tours you will give the local community the opportunity to become a tour leader and you will support the future projects of Smokey Tours all around Talent Development. Even the smallest donations contribute to better living conditions of the local community in the Tondo area.
  • Go to the donation options

Smokey Tours on Tripadvisor

Eco Urban Tourism - a MUST DO when in Manila”  (USA)

  • I came away from 2 of their tours with an incredible appreciation of their goals, their stewardship and their friendliness. I took the Slum Tour and Bicycle Tour and walked away form both with lots of new information about Manila and experiencing the heart of its people both from the walking tour and interaction with guides. Wow...both tours were fantastic.... More 

“Great tours”  (Amsterdam)

I did 3 tours, slumtour, biketour and markettour and they are all great. Tourleaders are very nice and I felt save all the time.

“Slum tour, we all should see and know the reality”  (Japan)

I attended to the slum tour,guided by Remy who lives in the slum and works to improve the people in education, health etc. It is a very eye-opening, educative and meaningful tour. I recommend this tour to all. Many people smiled for me and kid were living in very tough environment but were very cheerful.

See the video

Won the UNICEF Award!:

  • GMA i-Witness’: Black Manila was one of the Finalists for a UNICEF Award and won the award! Jan, 2015. In 2014 Smokey Tours was featured on a local network in Manila. The episode is called Black Manila and was a finalist for a UNICEF Asia Pacific Child’s Rights Award. Black Manila won the award! The support is immense and highly appreciated. The show is in Tagalog but with its growing fame, English subtitles have been placed. Click below to watch “Black Manila”. To the Video


Free Health Insurances

  • The tourleaders of Smokey tours benefit of the Insurance For Talent program that provides them with free Health insurances for them and part of their families.
Smokey Projects & Tours: voordelen voor wie bij JoHo is aangesloten
  • All JoHo members can get a 10% discount ....but are encouraged to use this (and preferably more) for a donation to Smokey Tours or the projects you visit on the tour.
JoHo: activiteiten in het buitenland verzekeren


Smokey Projects & Tours: toelichting
        Smokey Projects & Tours: in beeld
        Smokey Projects
        p/a Stationsweg 2D, 2312 AV Leiden


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        Smokey Projects & Tours: activiteiten- en vacatureselectie

        Alle activiteiten, vacatures en werkmogelijkheden voldoen doorgaans aan twee criteria: de organisaties hebben doorgegeven jaarlijks 1 óf meer doorlopende activiteiten of vacatures beschikbaar te hebben, en ze zijn in te vullen door Nederlanders. Kom je een vacature of activiteit tegen die niet meer aan deze criteria voldoet, laat het JoHo dan even weten. Bij voorbaat dank!

        Activiteiten en vacatures van de organisatie

        JoHo WorldSupporterWork together - WorldSupporter






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