Summaries and study assistance with Essential Research Findings in Counselling and Psychotherapy by Cooper - Booktool


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Book: Essential Research Findings in Counselling and Psychotherapy by Cooper

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  • Bulletsummary with all chapters of Essential Research Findings in Counselling and Psychotherapy by Cooper.

  • Booksummary with all chapters of Essential Research Findings in Counselling and Psychotherapy by Cooper.


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  • Booksummary with all chapters of Essential Research Findings in Counselling and Psychotherapy by Cooper.


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Summaries per chapter with the 1st edition of Essential Research Findings in Counselling and Psychotherapy by Cooper - Bundle

Summaries per chapter with the 1st edition of Essential Research Findings in Counselling and Psychotherapy by Cooper - Bundle

Study guide with Essential Research Findings in Counselling and Psychotherapy by Cooper

Study guide with Essential Research Findings in Counselling and Psychotherapy by Cooper

Study guide with Essential Research Findings in Counselling and Psychotherapy

    Online summaries and study assistance with the 1st edition of Essential Research Findings in Counselling and Psychotherapy by Cooper

    Related content on

    What is the importance of research? - Chapter 1

    What is the importance of research? - Chapter 1

    What is the value of research?

    Research refers to the systematic analysis process that leads to the development of new knowledge. Empirical means that something is based on experiences or observations (as in experiments) as opposed to theoretical assumptions. Qualitative research is research based on language, in which experiences, perceptions, observations, etc. are not reduced to a numerical form. Quantitative research is research based on numbers, usually using statistical analyzes.
    Results from studies can be helpful because:

    • they can give counselors and psychotherapists (as well as clients) some very good ideas about where to start from in the absence of other information;

    • they can tell us more about the probability of certain things happening;

    • they can help therapists understand the therapy from the client's perspective;

    • they can be a means of communication about the work being carried out.

    What limitations does research have?

    Research has shown that therapists often have little interest in or are unfamiliar with research in their field. However, there are good reasons as to why therapists should be wary of research results:

    • Research concerns generalizations instead of details and exceptions (' specifics' )

    • It can only tell us something about the probability and not about the certainty that something will happen

    • Inevitably, research results have been influenced by the assumptions and plan of the researcher

    • Research is always conducted with a specific sample of people, which endangers generalisability

    The sample is the collection of participants used in a study, of which we want to generalize to a wider population.

    What is the relationship between therapy and research?

    The basic thesis of this book is that therapy should not be based on research, but should be informed by research ('not research-directed, but research-informed'). According to the American Psychological Association (APA), there must be a psychological practice based on evidence. In other words: an integration of the best available research with clinical practice in the context of the characteristics, culture and preferences of the patient.

    Research can make things more complex and create more work. It may also compel us to review our assumptions and beliefs. However, it brings us closer to the truth, thus we learn from it.

    Chapter questions

    1. What is research, how is it described? And what two forms can it take?

    2. What is the basic thesis of this book? What should therapy be based on?

    3. What aspects should research be combined with? What should it be integrated with?

    4. What are the limitations of research?

    5. What is the use of research?

    How do we know whether therapy works or not? - Chapter 2
    What do therapeutic approaches look like? - Chapter 3
    Which client-related factors influence the therapeutic process? - Chapter 4
    Which therapist-related factors influence the therapeutic process? - Chapter 5
    What role does the relationship between the therapist and the client play in therapy? - Chapter 6
    Which techniques are used in therapy? - Chapter 7
    What is already known and what is still unknown about therapy? - Chapter 8
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