What are the sources of international law? - Chapter 2

In essence the sources of the international law provide us with answers on issues that cannot be answered by means of national law. Usually there is no problem to find sources in answering legal questions that lawyers may encounter in international questions. What is a challenge, however, is that there is no clear hierarchy within the different sources of international law and different structures of international bodies. International law is not a centralized system, but a set of overarching rules.

Within the sources of international legislation we can distinguish between those that are political and those that are more ethical in nature. The ICJ is usually very strict in this dissimilarity, for instance in the South West Africa cases. 

Naturalists believe mostly in natural law. They will look for international law in justice. Positivists believe mostly in agreements. They will look for international law in state consent. In practice, naturalists need more explicit rules, where positivists also see implicit rules as international law, as long as all parties agree.

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