What is the book Consciousness: An Introduction about? - Chapter 0

Consciousness: An Introduction is a book written by Susan Blackmore. The first version was published on the 24th of March 2005. Three more versions have been published ever since, of which the last one was published in 2018. This summary is based on the information presented in the 3rd edition of the book.

The newest edition covers the topics of consciousness and how it occurs in the brain, the central problem of consciousness, attention and awareness, the self and the will, altered states of consciousness, artificial consciousness, reality and dreaming and the process of evolution in consciousness. The book is aiming to make the reader think about central questions that are related to the topic of consciousness instead of really answering them. The goal is to make the readrt realize that there are still a lot of questions unanswered. The most important question of the book is: Is consciousness a true and existing thing, or is it maybe just an illusion? 

Susan Jane Blackmore was born in 1951 and she currently lives in London, Great Britain. She has written many books and articles, and she is also a lecturer at the University of Plymouth. She has written the influential book 'The Meme Machine'. The topic of memes will also be covered in this book. Susan Blackmore has written an extensive amount of literature on the fields of memetics, parapsychology and consciousness.

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