What is the book Understanding Human Sexuality about? - Chapter 0

The book Understanding Human Sexuality was written by Hyde and Delamater. It describes sociological, biological, and psychological perspectives on sexuality.

The first author, Janet Shibley Hyde, has done a lot of research towards sexuality; and mainly towards the topics of gender differences and gender development in adolescence. Hyde was married to John D. DeLamater, the co-author of this book. He focused his research on the influence of marital duration, attitudes about sex for elders, and illness and medication on sexual expression. Both Hyde and DeLamater are based at the University of Wisconsin. DeLamater passed away in December 2017.

The book starts by giving a broad introduction to the topic of sexuality and introduces common terms and their meaning (Chapter 1). It covers the early theories of sexuality (Chapter 2) and important research towards sex (Chapter 3). A few chapters will eloborate on the biological aspects of sexuality (Chapter 4-7). The topics of sexual arousal (Chapter 8), sexuality across the life cycle (Cahpter 9 & 10), and topics of attraction and love (Chapter 11) are discussed as well. Sexuality, sexual orientations and variations in these will be touched upon in Chapter 12 to 14. Sexual coercion (Chapter 15), sex for sale (Chapter 16) and sex diseases (Chapter 17 & 18) will then be discussed. Sociological perspectives on sexuality are covered as well (Chapter 19-20).

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