What is the challenge of international organizations? - Chapter 9

Organizations are social systems intentionally structured to achieve goals. They are not independent of their surroundings but are open systems that continuously take inputs from the environment, transform them, and then return output to the environment in the form of products, services, or knowledge. The structure of the organization is the system used to coordinate people through differentiation of roles and a hierarchy of authority in order to accomplish goals. The structure can be described in terms of its degree of complexity, formalization, and centralization. The complexity of an organization depends on three dimensions:

  • Horizontal differentiation. This is the number of different types of jobs that exist in an organization.
  • Vertical differentiation. This is the number of levels in the hierarchy of the organization.
  • Spatial differentiation. This is the extent to which the organization’s physical facilities and personnel are geographically dispersed.

Formalization is the extent to which rules and procedures determine the activities of organization members. Highly formal organizations make a lot of use of rules and procedures. Centralization is the extent to which decision making is concentrated at a single point. These three elements of organizational structure can be combined in various ways. Mintzberg uses the elements to evaluate the difference in the propensity of organizations to depend on mutual adjustment, direct supervision, and standardization of work processes, standardization of outputs, and standardization of skills.

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