What issues are currently affecting young people? - Chapter 15

What are the consequences of changes in society for the care of children?

In recent decades, dramatic changes have taken place in families in the US due to an increased number of divorces, families with one parent and families with stepparents. Nowadays, with women having more and more jobs outside of the household, children are more often cared for by others than the mother, such as by relatives or at a day-care centre. The effect of this differs based on the quality of care, the amount of care and certain family characteristics. High quality care is positively related to the cognitive, social and language development of children who go to a day-care centre from an early age. The research findings regarding the effects of the amount of care are inconsistent. In general, the amount of care seems to be negatively related to the child's development. With regard to the interaction between childcare and family characteristics, it appears that children from low-income families benefit from care at a day-care. This means that care by others can serve as a protective factor for children from families with a low socio-economic status. It is also important that a good relationship between parents and child remains.

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