What is known about the long-term memory? - Chapter 6

Long-term memory can be described as the process of storing information and experiences with the aim of being able to retrieve it at a later time. The ability to create and recall memories is fundamental for people to function in their environment and essential for the functioning of (all aspects of) cognition in particular.

The following three phases can be distinguished in the memory process:

  1. Input - new information is learned and / or coded;

  1. Storage - the information is stored;

  1. Output - the information is requested and retrieved from the storage.

The most important reason for the existence of these three phases is that each phase must be successfully completed in order for the retrieval of items from the memory to be successful. In the event of an inability to remember an item, the cause may therefore be an error in one of these three phases. If there is no brain damage, the cause in practice will be an error in the input (learning error) or output phase (retrieval error).

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