What is the use of cognitive behavioural therapy for children and adolescents? - Chapter 1

What will be discussed in this book?

This book highlights the importance of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) in treating children and young adults who suffer from mental disorders. There is compelling scientific evidence for the effectiveness of CBT as a treatment for most mental disorders which often emerge at an early age.

Karl Popper's falsification method has had a significant impact on clinical (childhood) psychology: by falsifying hypotheses, science flourishes (as is now often done in randomized controlled trials, or RCTs). Socrates’ ideas are also still influential today: Socratic reasoning – which means that one is very critical of one's own beliefs – is central to CBT treatments.

Although few neuroscientific studies have been conducted using children and young adults with mental health problems as sample, there seems to be more and more input from this "more modern" angle. Another development focuses on new technologies in the context of the treatment of mental health problems, as new technologies (smartphones, laptops) are part of our new world. To some extent, CBT-like therapies used in adults can also be effective in treating young people (and with some flexibility as to how they are used).

What is a common criticism on CBT?

A common criticism regarding CBT is that this therapy is a simplistic representation of human behaviour and thinking, while these are very complex concepts. The authors of the book acknowledge that the complex functioning of an individual should not be underestimated, and that questionnaires – which are often used – should never be seen as a substitute for a dialogue. CBT is therefore not a wonderful medicine for all mental health problems. For some disorders (especially anxiety disorders and obsessive-compulsive disorders) it seems to be ineffective. In most cases, however, it offers at least relief – although this may also be due to nonspecific effects of therapy (such as a cooperative relationship between a psychologist and a client).

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