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Samenvattingen per hoofdstuk bij de 7e druk van SPSS Survival Manual van Pallant - Bundel

Samenvattingen per hoofdstuk bij de 7e druk van SPSS Survival Manual van Pallant - Bundel

Introductie. Wat is SPSS? - Chapter 0

Introductie. Wat is SPSS? - Chapter 0

SPSS is een statistisch computerprogramma dat door wetenschappers wordt gebruikt om gegevens te verzamelen, te analyseren en te bewerken. Het programma wordt voornamelijk gebruikt om onderzoeksresultaten te analyseren. De afkorting SPSS staat voor Statistical Package for the Social Sciences. Het programma wordt dus met name in de tak van sociale wetenschappen gebruikt.

Drie belangrijke situaties waarin je SPSS kunt gebruiken:

  • Het controleren van de betrouwbaarheid van een steekproef. Wanneer je bijvoorbeeld in Nederland een onderzoek wil doen is het natuurlijk niet haalbaar om elke inwoner te testen. Om deze reden wordt vrijwel altijd gebruik gemaakt van een steekproef. Dit is een selectie van mensen uit de populatie. Het is belangrijk dat deze steekproef zo representatief mogelijk is voor de hele populatie zodat de uitkomstresultaten goed gegeneraliseerd kunnen worden: Je wil immers iets zeggen over de hele populatie en niet slechts over de steekproef.

  • Het controleren van de betrouwbaarheid van je resultaten. SPSS kan informatie geven of het verband dat je hebt gevonden (bijvoorbeeld mannen stemmen vaker op SGP dan vrouwen) op toeval berust of dat het verschil ergens anders mee te maken heeft.

  • Data visualiseren. Het kan handig zijn om je resultaten te visualiseren door middel van grafieken en tabellen. Deze kan je door SPSS laten maken.

Algemene informatie met betrekking tot onderzoek doen

SPSS kan onderzoeksvragen beantwoorden door het doen van analyses; toetsen. Een voorbeeld van een onderzoeksvraag is: kiezen mannen vaker een technisch beroep dan vrouwen? De eerste stap is het verzamelen van je gegevens (hoeveel procent van de mannen kiest een technisch beroep en hoeveel procent van de vrouwen). Deze gegevens worden in SPSS data genoemd. Wanneer je je gegevens hebt verzameld (bijvoorbeeld door middel van vragenlijsten) dan kun je deze data invoeren in SPSS. Vervolgens kun je SPSS een toets laten uitvoeren die onderzoekt of er daadwerkelijk een verschil is tussen de data van mannen en vrouwen.

Hoe zet je een onderzoek op? - Chapter 1

Hoe zet je een onderzoek op? - Chapter 1

Hoe plan je een onderzoek?

Een goed onderzoek is sterk afhankelijk van een uitvoerige planning. Het boek geeft de volgende tips bij het opstarten van een onderzoek:

  • Kies het design van je onderzoek, bijvoorbeeld in de vorm van een experiment, een vragenlijst, of een observationeel onderzoek. Weeg alle voor- en nadelen van elke methode af.

  • Als je kiest voor een experiment: beslis of je kiest voor een between-groups design (verschillende proefpersonen in elke experimentele conditie) of een repeated measures design (alle proefpersonen in alle condities).

  • Als je kiest voor een experiment, zorg voor genoeg niveaus in je onafhankelijke variabele.

  • Selecteer altijd meer proefpersonen dan je eigenlijk nodig hebt, aangezien er een grote kans is dat proefpersonen afvallen.

  • Indien mogelijk, wijs proefpersonen random toe aan elke experimentele conditie. Het is van belang dat deze groepen niet op andere zaken van elkaar verschillen. Dit kan je checken met met een covariantie-analyse.

  • Kies betrouwbare en valide afhankelijke variabelen.

  • Anticipeer op mogelijke confounding variabelen. Dit zijn variabelen anders dan de onafhankelijke variabele die een mogelijke verklaring kunnen geven voor je resultaat. Controleer indien mogelijk voor deze confounding variabelen.

  • Als je kiest voor een vragenlijststudie (survey), check dan van tevoren of de instructies, vragen en schalen duidelijk zijn. Dit doe je door middel van pilot testing.

Hoe kies je de juiste schalen en methoden?

Bij het kiezen van de juiste schaal en methode zijn twee begrippen van belang: betrouwbaarheid en validiteit. Beide begrippen kunnen de kwaliteit van je data beïnvloeden.

Wat houdt betrouwbaarheid in?

De betrouwbaarheid (reliability) van een schaal indiceert in welke mate de schaal vrij is van random error. Er zijn twee soorten betrouwbaarheid:

  1. Test-hertest betrouwbaarheid (test-retest reliability): deze wordt gemeten door de desbetreffende schaal aan te bieden aan twee verschillende personen in twee verschillende situaties en vervolgens de correlatie tussen deze twee scores te berekenen. Des te hoger deze correlatie, des te groter de test-hertest betrouwbaarheid.

  2. Interne consistentie (internal consistency): de mate waarin de items van een schaal met elkaar samenhangen. Deze kan bijvoorbeeld worden berekend met de Cronbach’s cofficient alpha in SPSS. Hierbij geldt dat een Cronbach’s alpha van .7 of groter duidt op een betrouwbare schaal.

Wat houdt validiteit in?

De validiteit (validity) van een schaal verwijst naar de mate waarin de methoden meten wat ze beogen te meten. Er bestaan verschillende vormen van validiteit:

  1. Inhoudsvaliditeit (content validity): de mate van accuraatheid waarmee de methode of schaal het beoogde domein of de beoogde inhoud test.

  2. Criteriumvaliditeit (criterion validity): de relatie tussen verschillende schaalscores en een gespecificeerd meetcriterium.

  3. Constructvaliditeit (construct validity): de relatie met andere constructen; zowel gerelateerde constructen (convergente validiteit) als ongerelateerde constructen (discriminante validiteit).

Hoe bereid je een vragenlijst voor?

Het is belangrijk om bij het opstellen van een vragenlijst in gedachte te houden welke statistische methoden je nodig hebt om de gegevens te analyseren. Afhankelijk van de statistische techniek dien je een bepaalde vraag namelijk op een specifieke manier te stellen.

Wat zijn verschillende typen vragen?

Veel vragen kunnen worden geclassificeerd in twee groepen: open vragen en gesloten vragen. Een gesloten vraag geeft respondenten meerdere antwoordopties. Gesloten vragen kunnen snel worden omgezet in een numeriek format in SPSS. Zo kan antwoord ‘ja’ worden gecodeerd met nummer 1 en antwoord ‘nee’ met nummer 2. De antwoorden op open vragen kunnen worden verdeeld over verschillende categorieën, bijvoorbeeld werk of relaties. Vaak werkt een combinatie van open en gesloten vragen het best in een onderzoek.

Wat zijn verschillende schalen van antwoorden?

Het is belangrijk om de juiste schaal te kiezen bij het opstellen van antwoordformats. Wanneer je bijvoorbeeld een correlatie wilt berekenen dien je de exacte leeftijden te weten van je respondenten. Daarnaast is het vaak handig om een Likert-type schaal toe te passen. Mensen geven dan niet simpelweg antwoord of ze het wel of niet eens zijn met de vraag, maar ze geven aan in welke mate ze het met een stelling eens zijn; bijvoorbeeld op een schaal van 1 tot 6.

Hoe bereid je een SPSS codeboek voor? - Chapter 2
Hoe werkt IBM SPSS Statistics? - Chapter 3
Hoe creëer je een data bestand en hoe voer je data in? - Chapter 4
Hoe kun je data in SPSS screenen en opschonen? - Chapter 5
Hoe gebruik je SPSS voor beschrijvende statistiek? - Chapter 6
Welke grafieken gebruik je om data weer te geven? - Chapter 7
Hoe manipuleer je data in SPSS? - Chapter 8
Hoe controleer je de betrouwbaarheid van een schaal? - Chapter 9
Hoe weet je welke methode je moet gebruiken in SPSS? - Chapter 10
Wanneer en hoe wordt correlatieanalyse toegepast? - Chapter 11
Wat is het verschil tussen correlatie en partiële correlatie? - Chapter 12
Hoe voer je meervoudige regressie uit in SPSS? - Chapter 13
Hoe voer je logistische regressie uit in SPSS? - Chapter 14
Hoe voer je factoranalyse uit in SPSS? - Chapter 15
Hoe gebruik je SPSS voor niet-parametrische statistiek? - Chapter 16
Welke t-toetsen kunnen worden gebruikt in SPSS? - Chapter 17
Hoe gebruik je one-way ANOVA in SPSS? - Chapter 18
Hoe gebruik je two-way ANOVA in SPSS? - Chapter 19
Hoe voer je een gemixt between-within subjects ANOVA uit in SPSS? - Chapter 20
Hoe voer je een multivariate analysis of variance uit in SPSS? - Chapter 21
Hoe voer je een Analysis of Covariance uit in SPSS? - Chapter 22
Summaries per chapter with the 7th edition of SPSS Survival Manual by Pallant - Bundle

Summaries per chapter with the 7th edition of SPSS Survival Manual by Pallant - Bundle

Introduction: super-summary
Introduction. What is SPSS? - Chapter 0
How do you set up a study? - Chapter 1

How do you set up a study? - Chapter 1

How do you set up a study?

Good research is highly dependent on detailed planning. The book provides the following tips when setting up a study:

  • Choose the design of your research, for example in the form of an experiment, a questionnaire, or an observational study. Weigh all the pros and cons of each method.
  • If you opt for an experiment: decide whether to opt for a between-groups design (different subjects in each experimental condition) or a repeated measures design (all subjects in all conditions).
  • If you choose an experiment, make sure you have enough levels of your independent variable.
  • Always select more test subjects than you actually need, as there is a high chance that test subjects will drop out.
  • If possible, randomly assign subjects to each experimental condition. It is important that these groups do not differ from each other on other matters. You can check this by performing a covariance analysis.
  • Choose reliable and valid dependent variables.
  • Anticipate possible confounding variables. These are variables other than the independent variable that can give a possible explanation for your result. Check for these confounding variables if possible.
  • If you opt for the method of a survey, check in advance whether the instructions, questions and scales are formulated clearly. You do this by means of pilot testing.

How do you choose the right scales and methods?

When choosing the right scale and method, two concepts are important: reliability and validity. Both concepts can influence the quality of your data.

What does reliability mean?

The reliability of a scale indicates to what extent the scale is free from random error. There are two types of reliability:

  1. Test-retest reliability: this is measured by presenting the relevant scale to two different persons in two different situations and then calculating the correlation between these two scores. The higher this correlation, the greater the test-retest reliability.
  2. Internal consistency: the degree to which the items of a scale are interrelated. This can be calculated, for example, with the Cronbach's coefficient alpha in SPSS. A Cronbach's alpha of .7 or greater indicates a reliable scale.

What does validity mean?

The validity of a scale refers to the extent to which the methods measure what they intend to measure. There are different types of validity:

  1. Content validity: the degree of accuracy with which the method or scale tests the intended domain or content.
  2. Criterion validity: the relationship between different scale scores and a specified measurement criterion.
  3. Construct validity: the relationship with other constructs; both related constructs (convergent validity) and unrelated constructs (discriminant validity).

How do you prepare a questionnaire?

When preparing a questionnaire, it is important to keep in mind what statistical methods you will need to analyze the data. Depending on the statistical technique, you have to ask a certain question in a specific way.

What are different types of questions?

Many questions can be classified into two groups: open-ended questions and closed questions. A closed question gives respondents multiple answer options. Closed questions can be quickly converted to a numeric format in SPSS. For example, answer "yes" can be coded with number 1 and answer "no" with number 2. The answers to open-ended questions can be divided into different categories, for example work or relationships. A combination of open-ended and closed questions often works best in a study.

What are different scales of answers?

It is important to choose the correct scale when creating answer formats. For example, if you want to calculate a correlation, you need to know the exact ages of your respondents. In addition, it is often useful to apply a Likert-type scale: People do not simply answer whether they agree or disagree with the question, but indicate to what extent they agree with a statement; for example on a scale from 1 to 6.

How do you prepare a SPSS codebook? - Chapter 2

How do you prepare a SPSS codebook? - Chapter 2

Before you can enter all information from questionnaires and experiments in IBM SPSS, it is necessary to create a "codebook". This is a summary of the instructions you will use to convert each subject's information into a format that IBM SPSS can understand. Preparing a codebook consists of (1) defining and labeling each variable, and (2) assigning numbers to all possible answers.

How does IBM SPSS Statistics work? - Chapter 3

How does IBM SPSS Statistics work? - Chapter 3

How do you open IBM SPSS?

There are several ways to start IBM SPSS. The easiest way is to click on the SPSS icon on your desktop. Place your cursor on the icon and click twice. You can also open IBM SPSS by clicking Start, placing your cursor on All Programs, and then going to the list of all available programs. See if you can find a folder here called IBM SPSS Statistics, in this case IBM SPSS Statistics 24. IBM SPSS will also start when you double click on an IBM SPSS data file in Window Explorer.

How do you create a data file and how do you enter data? - Chapter 4

How do you create a data file and how do you enter data? - Chapter 4

How do you change the options in SPSS?

You can use the options for all kinds of possibilities to display variables, the type of tables you want to get as output and more. Options can be found under Edit. Make sure you first select what you want in all tabs and then click OK.

How do you screen and clean data in SPSS? - Chapter 5

How do you screen and clean data in SPSS? - Chapter 5

How do you screen for typos?

It is always very important to go through your data for typos, for example. You can of course check all entered data again based on the original data, but this takes a lot of time. An easier way is to request Frequencies. You do this by following the steps below: Analyze → Descriptive Statistics → Frequencies.

How do you use SPSS for descriptive statistics? - Chapter 6

How do you use SPSS for descriptive statistics? - Chapter 6

When you are sure that there is no error in your data file, you can start with the descriptive phase of your data analysis. We called this descriptive statistics. Descriptive statistics aim to:

  • Describe the characteristics of your sample in the methods section of your article.
  • Check your variables to investigate whether you meet certain assumptions associated with the statistical techniques you want to perform to answer your research questions.
  • Ask specific research questions.
What graph do you use to represent data? - Chapter 7

What graph do you use to represent data? - Chapter 7

In SPSS there are different types of graphs and diagrams that you can use to display data. The views covered here are histograms, bar charts, line charts, scatter charts, and box plots.

In the Graph menu in SPSS there are various possibilities to create graphs, the easiest method is to use the Chart Builder.

How do you manipulate data in SPSS? - Chapter 8

How do you manipulate data in SPSS? - Chapter 8

Once the raw data has been accurately entered into SPSS, the next step is to edit and prepare the data so that later analyses can be performed and hypotheses can be tested.

Make sure that you also adjust the codebook for everything you adjust. An alternative is to use the Syntax option, this means that you keep track of all actions to be performed in the Syntax Editor, so that a list of what has been changed is formed.

How do you check the reliability of a scale? - Chapter 9

How do you check the reliability of a scale? - Chapter 9

The value of an investigation largely depends on the reliability of the scale used. Part of reliability is internal consistency: the degree to which the items on a scale are related to each other. This can be calculated, for example, with the Cronbach's coefficient alpha in SPSS. A Cronbach's alpha of .7 or greater indicates a reliable scale. With short scales with few units, however, there are low Cronbach values ​​and they do not say much.

How do you choose a method in SPSS? - Chapter 10

How do you choose a method in SPSS? - Chapter 10

What statistical methods are there?

Some studies use a single method, but many studies use multiple methods. In any case, it is crucial to choose the right research method.

It is not yet discussed how exactly you apply the research methods. The overview below is intended to give a brief introduction to research methods, so that you can make a choice for which method you need based on that.

When and how is correlation analysis applied? - Chapter 11

When and how is correlation analysis applied? - Chapter 11

Correlation analysis is used to indicate the strength and direction of a linear relationship between two variables. In this chapter two correlation coefficients are mentioned: (1) Pearson r for continuous variables (at interval level) and in cases where there is one continuous and one dichotomous variable, and (2) Spearman rho for variables at the ordinal level and in cases that your data does not meet the criteria for the Pearson correlation. This text shows how to calculate a bivariate Pearson r and a non-parametric Spearman rho.

What is the difference between correlation and partial correlation? - Chapter 12

What is the difference between correlation and partial correlation? - Chapter 12

The partial correlation is similar to Pearson r, with the difference that you can check the partial correlation for an additional (confound) variable.

What is the procedure for calculating the partial correlation?

  1. In the menu at the top of the screen, click on Analyze, then select Correlate and then Partial.
  2. Click on the two continuous variables you want to correlate. Click the arrow to move these variables to the Variables box.
  3. Click on the variable you want to check for and move it to the Controlling for box.
  4. Click on Options.
  5. In the Missing Values ​​section, click on Exclude cases pairwise.
  6. In the Statistics section, click Zero order correlations.
  7. Click Continue and then OK (or Paste to save the Syntax Editor).
How do you perform multiple regression in SPSS? - Chapter 13

How do you perform multiple regression in SPSS? - Chapter 13

Below, there is an explanation of how to use SPSS in multiple regression analyses. Multiple regression is not just one technique, but a collection of techniques that can be used to investigate the relationship between a continuous dependent variable and multiple independent variables or predictors (usually continuous). It is based on correlation analysis, but provides a more refined analysis of the relationship between a set of variables. Multiple regression can be applied to a variety of research questions, including:

  • How well a series of variables is able to predict a certain outcome.
  • Which variable within a set of variables is the best predictor of a particular outcome.
  • Whether a particular predictor variable can still predict the outcome when controlling for the influence of another variable.
How do you perform a logistic regression in SPSS? - Chapter 14

How do you perform a logistic regression in SPSS? - Chapter 14

With logistic regression you can test models that predict categorical outcomes - consisting of two or more categories. Using logistic regression you can measure how well your set of predictor variables is able to predict or explain your categorical dependent variable. It offers you an indication of the adequacy of your model by mapping the "goodness of fit". Your independent variable can be categorical or continuous, or a combination of both. In this chapter, we show how to perform a binomial (also called binary) logistic regression with a dichotomous dependent variable (i.e. with only two categories or values). If your dependent variable consists of several categories, you will have to perform a multinomial logistic regression. This is not discussed here, but is of course available in SPSS (see the Help menu).

How do you perform factor analysis in SPSS? - Chapter 15

How do you perform factor analysis in SPSS? - Chapter 15

Factor analysis differs from many of the other techniques in SPSS. It is not designed to test hypotheses or indicate whether one group differs significantly from the other. Instead, it takes a large set of variables and looks for a way to "reduce" or summarize the data using a smaller set of factors or components. This is done by looking for clusters or groups between the inter-correlations of a set of variables. There are two core approaches to factor analysis: (1) exploratory factor analysis - often used during the early stages of research to gather information about the relationships between a set of variables - and (2) confirmatory factor analysis - applied later in the research process to identify specific hypotheses or theories regarding test the underlying structure of a set of variables.

How do you use SPSS for non-parametric statistics? - Chapter 16

How do you use SPSS for non-parametric statistics? - Chapter 16

Non-parametric statistics are ideal when your data is measured on a nominal or ordinal scale. They are also useful when you have very small samples and when your data does not meet the assumptions of the parametric techniques.

IBS SPSS provides various non-parametric techniques for different situations. The most commonly used non-parametric techniques are explained below.

Which t-test can be used in SPSS? - Chapter 17

Which t-test can be used in SPSS? - Chapter 17

There are different t-tests available in SPSS, the following two will be discussed here:

  • T-test for independent samples (independent-samples t-test): this test is used to compare the means of two different groups of people or conditions.
  • T-test for paired samples (paired-samples t-test): this test is used to compare the means of the same group of people at two different times or when there are equal (matched) pairs.

If there are more than two groups or conditions, these tests cannot be used; in that case, a variance analysis should be conducted.

How do you use one-way ANOVA in SPSS? - Chapter 18

How do you use one-way ANOVA in SPSS? - Chapter 18

T-tests are used to compare the scores of two different groups or conditions. In many research situations, however, we are interested in comparing average scores from more than two groups. In that case, variance analysis (ANOVA) is used. Variance analysis owes its name to the variance (variability in scores) between the different groups (which is expected to be explained by the independent variable) is compared with the variability within each of the groups (which is expected to be caused by chance ). The F ratio - or the variance between the groups divided by the variance within the groups - is calculated. A significant F value means that the null hypothesis, namely that the population means are equal, can be rejected. Because it says nothing about which groups differ from each other, posthoc tests still have to be performed. An alternative to posthoc testing is to perform specific comparisons (or planned comparisons ).

How do you use two-way ANOVA in SPSS? - Chapter 19

How do you use two-way ANOVA in SPSS? - Chapter 19

Two-way means that there are two independent variables. Between-groups indicates that there are different participants in each of the groups. The two-way between-groups ANOVA can be used to look at the individual and collective influence of two independent variables on one dependent variable. You can therefore not only test the main effect for each independent variable but also see whether there is possibly an interaction effect. The latter effect occurs when the influence of an independent variable on the dependent variable is dependent on a second independent variable.

How do you perform a mixed between-within subjects ANOVA in SPSS? - Chapter 20

How do you perform a mixed between-within subjects ANOVA in SPSS? - Chapter 20

Various types of ANOVA have been discussed in the previous chapters. However, there are situations in which a between-subjects design, a within-subjects design, and a repeated measures design are combined. SPSS allows you to combine two different designs in one analysis. Sometimes this analysis is referred to as a split-plot ANOVA (SPANOVA).

How do you perform a multivariate analysis of variance in SPSS? - Chapter 21

How do you perform a multivariate analysis of variance in SPSS? - Chapter 21

In each of the previous chapters, we talked about a type of ANOVA that analyzed different groups for the same dependent variable. However, in many studies, it is the case that we want to compare multiple groups based on multiple different dependent variables. Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) is an extension of ANOVA that you can use when testing multiple dependent variables. MANOVA compares groups and analyzes whether the differences between the groups on the dependent variables are caused by chance or not.

How do you perform an Analysis of Covariance in SPSS? - Chapter 22

How do you perform an Analysis of Covariance in SPSS? - Chapter 22

An analysis of covariance is an extension of a regular ANOVA. An analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) analyzes the differences between groups while statistically controlling for an additional continuous variable. This continuous variable, the covariate, may influence the scores of the dependent variable. SPSS uses a procedure similar to regression analysis to remove the variation in the dependent variable scores caused by the covariate, and then performs a normal ANOVA on the adjusted values. With this method, SPSS increases the distinctiveness (power) and the sensitivity of the F-test.

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