Summaries with Experimental and Correlational Research (LU) - Coursetool


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Coursetool for JoHo subscribers


Course: Experimental and Correlational Research - University Leiden

Studytools: Summaries per chapter – ExamTests

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Experimental and Correlational Research

Summary Tools


  • Literature summary with the prescribed chapters of Howell for Experimental and Correlational Research 22/23
  • Literature summary with the prescribed chapters of Leary for Experimental and Correlational Research 22/23
  • Literature summary with the prescribed chapters of Pallant for Experimental and Correlational Research 22/23


  • Booksummary with all chapters of the 8th edition of Statistical Methods for Psychology by Howell - Bundle (68464)
  • Booksummary with all chapters of the 6th edition of Introduction to Behavioral Research Methods by Leary - Bundle (68018)
  • Booksummary with all chapters of the 7th edition of SPSS Survival Manual by Pallant - Bundle (72505)


Test Tools


  • ExamTests with all chapters of the 8th edition of Statistical Methods for Psychology by Howell
  • ExamTests with all chapters of the 6th edition of Introduction to Behavioral Research Methods by Leary


Tools in Print


  • Literature summary with Experimental and Correlational Research

Booksummary per chapter

Summaries with the mandatory chapters by Howell for Experimental and Correlational Research (UL) 22/23 - Bundle

Summaries with the mandatory chapters by Howell for Experimental and Correlational Research (UL) 22/23 - Bundle

Study guide with Statistical Methods for Psychology by Howell

Study guide with Statistical Methods for Psychology by Howell

Study guide with Statistical Methods for Psychology

    Online summaries and study assistance with the 8th edition of Statistical Methods for Psychology by Howell

      Studying Statistical Methods for Psychology by Howell

      • Study tips: For most students statistics has not been the reason to study Psychology. For some it will even be a reason to stop. However, if you invest a little bit during this course, you will benefit from it during your entire study.

      Related content on

      How to calculate the relationship between variables? - Chapter 9
      Which other correlation techniques can be used? - Chapter 10
      How to apply the analysis of variance? - Chapter 11
      How to compare means for different treatment groups? - Chapter 12
      How to use the ANOVA for two or more independent variables? - Chapter 13
      Summaries and study assistance with Statistical Methods for Psychology by Howell – Booktool
      Summaries with the mandatory chapters by Leary for Experimental and Correlational Research (UL) 22/23 - Bundle
      Summaries with the mandatory chapters by Pallant for Experimental and Correlational Research (UL) 22/23 - Bundle

      Summaries with the mandatory chapters by Pallant for Experimental and Correlational Research (UL) 22/23 - Bundle

      When and how is correlation analysis applied? - Chapter 11

      When and how is correlation analysis applied? - Chapter 11

      Correlation analysis is used to indicate the strength and direction of a linear relationship between two variables. In this chapter two correlation coefficients are mentioned: (1) Pearson r for continuous variables (at interval level) and in cases where there is one continuous and one dichotomous variable, and (2) Spearman rho for variables at the ordinal level and in cases that your data does not meet the criteria for the Pearson correlation. This text shows how to calculate a bivariate Pearson r and a non-parametric Spearman rho.

      How do you perform multiple regression in SPSS? - Chapter 13

      How do you perform multiple regression in SPSS? - Chapter 13

      Below, there is an explanation of how to use SPSS in multiple regression analyses. Multiple regression is not just one technique, but a collection of techniques that can be used to investigate the relationship between a continuous dependent variable and multiple independent variables or predictors (usually continuous). It is based on correlation analysis, but provides a more refined analysis of the relationship between a set of variables. Multiple regression can be applied to a variety of research questions, including:

      • How well a series of variables is able to predict a certain outcome.
      • Which variable within a set of variables is the best predictor of a particular outcome.
      • Whether a particular predictor variable can still predict the outcome when controlling for the influence of another variable.
      How do you use one-way ANOVA in SPSS? - Chapter 18

      How do you use one-way ANOVA in SPSS? - Chapter 18

      T-tests are used to compare the scores of two different groups or conditions. In many research situations, however, we are interested in comparing average scores from more than two groups. In that case, variance analysis (ANOVA) is used. Variance analysis owes its name to the variance (variability in scores) between the different groups (which is expected to be explained by the independent variable) is compared with the variability within each of the groups (which is expected to be caused by chance ). The F ratio - or the variance between the groups divided by the variance within the groups - is calculated. A significant F value means that the null hypothesis, namely that the population means are equal, can be rejected. Because it says nothing about which groups differ from each other, posthoc tests still have to be performed. An alternative to posthoc testing is to perform specific comparisons (or planned comparisons ).

      How do you use two-way ANOVA in SPSS? - Chapter 19

      How do you use two-way ANOVA in SPSS? - Chapter 19

      Two-way means that there are two independent variables. Between-groups indicates that there are different participants in each of the groups. The two-way between-groups ANOVA can be used to look at the individual and collective influence of two independent variables on one dependent variable. You can therefore not only test the main effect for each independent variable but also see whether there is possibly an interaction effect. The latter effect occurs when the influence of an independent variable on the dependent variable is dependent on a second independent variable.

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      Summaries per chapter with the 7th edition of SPSS Survival Manual by Pallant - Bundle


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