What is the book 'Brain and Cognition' about? - Chapter 0

The book 'Brain and Cognition' was written by Rob van der Lubbe, Willem Verwey and Simone Brosci. All authors are professors at the Faculty of Behavioral, Mangement and Social Sciences of the University of Twente. The aim of the book is to give students of basic understanding of the way in which humans process information. The first part of the book, extending from chapter 1 up to chapter 8 focuses on the field of biopsychology. It focuses on evolution, genetics, the anatomy of the nervous system, the process of neural conduction, research methods that are used in the field of biopsychology, the visual system, the sensorimotor system and sleep. The second part of the book, from chapter 9 until chapter 19. focuses on the scientific field of cognitive psychology. It consists of different chapters, ranging from the topics sensation and perception, to attention, the short-term working memory, learning and remembering, knowing and using this knowledge, language, decision-making, problem-solving and emotion. The book can be used in the context of a bachelor's program in psychology.

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