What is the connection between psychology and physical health? - Chapter 14

What is the terminology for disorders that affect physical health?

In the past, physical disorders that are influenced by psychological factors have been called psychosomatic disorders. In DSM-II this term had been replaced by psychophysiological disorders and in DSM-III this term had again been changed to psychological factors that influence physical conditions. In the DSM-IV this was transformed into psychological factors that influence medical conditions . Now in the DSM-V there is a new chapter called somatic symptoms and related disorders. This includes the psychological factors category that affect other medical conditions. These adjustments are the result of the discussion about the relationship between body (soma) and mind (psyche). During the 20th century, the interest in the effects of psychological processes on the body has resulted in the development of psychosomatic medicine. It became clear that many physical complaints are influenced by psychological factors. Researchers started with psychogenesis: the identification of the psychological cause of physical disorders. More attention is now being paid to multicausality: the idea that biological, social and psychological factors contribute to health. This perspective is holistic and assumes continuous interactions between influences. Pediatric psychology is the field that focuses on these processes in children and adolescents.

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