What is embodied embedded cognition? - Chapter 7

This chapter will elaborate on the fact that the mind cannot be separated from the physical and social environment in which it resides. These are important topics in philosophy of mind today.

By embodied embedded cognition, it is meant that the mind, as described above, cannot be separated from the physical and social environment in which it resides. This idea has always played a major role in the tradition of phenomenology in the early twentieth century. Today there is a whole new range of theories in which embodied embedded cognition (bic) plays an important role. For example:

  • The body as a metaphor. The philosopher Mark Johnson described that metaphors play an important role in human cognition. Much of what people think and how people think are shaped by metaphors based on our embodied and affective dealings with the physical world around us.
  • The body as constitutive of cognition. Lakoff and Johnson argue that the body and environment pretend to cognition and impose limitations on cognition.
  • Body and environment as a broad implementation basis. This refers to a more radical idea of ​​an embodied and embedded understanding of cognition that argues that the interaction between body and its environment is the foundation of human cognition.
  • The body in phenomenology. Here the body is seen more as the active source of cognition and conscious experience. By actively structuring our perceptual experience, the lived body acts as a landmark that gives us a perspective on the world. The fact that things appear to you from a certain perspective implies that you are spatially connected to them, and that in turn requires embodiment. It also implies that your perception is necessarily incomplete.
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