What is free will? - Chapter 5

This chapter will further explore the question of what free will is.

The will is part of the mind. Neuroscientific and psychological research on free will is all about the mind and its relationship with the brain and behavior. This type of research makes extensive use of technologies such as EEG (electroencephalogram) and fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging). In EEG, brain activity is measured through electrodes or the skull. In fMRI, reactivity is measured by monitoring blood flow to parts of the brain while participants perform cognitive tasks.

As is the case with many issues in the philosophy of mind, many people's intuition as to what the concept of free will entails is derived from the Cartesian idea that mind and body are separate substances, with only the body belonging to nature. Rejecting dualism would then imply the impossibility of free will. Yet there are plenty of philosophers who think that free will exists and do not support mind-body dualism.

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