How does the forensic psychodiagnostic examination proceed? - Chapter 15

Forensic psychology is a specialization within psychology. In forensic psychology, there are specific requirements for the tests used (the test methods), the reporting and the expertise of the psychologist or diagnostician. Compared to a clinical diagnostician, the forensic diagnostician has a very different relationship with his client. It is often the case that a client within forensic psychology does not voluntarily participate in the investigation. Also, it is not the well-being of the client that is central (which is often the case in clinical psychology) but finding the truth about a crime. This also increases the likelihood of socially desirable answers and deception by the person under investigation. For these reasons, higher demands are placed on the forensic psychodiagnostic examination compared to diagnostic examination in a clinical context. There is also a separate professional code for forensic psychologists. For example, this code states that the psychologist or diagnostician must substantiate his statements about the client in detail and that he must examine various, sometimes contradictory hypotheses to answer the questions that are asked.

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