The JoHo Foundation and organizion details


The World of JoHo WorldSupporter

The World of JoHo WorldSupporter: Organization & Background

The World of JoHo WorldSupporter: Organization & Background


  • JoHo has emerged from the foundation established in 1987 Student Services.
  • What in the early nineties was a local youth organization in the field of educational and career support, has grown into an interest group with a global network of stores and websites.
  • Through the establishment of global stores (support centers), networks and Internet platforms, JoHo wants to encourage people and organizations. With the goal to support in the areas of knowledge, decision-making and talent development.

Organization structure

  • The JoHo group is driven in the Netherlands by the JoHo Foundation.
  • The JoHo company is a social enterprise, as a part of the JoHo group it has its main focus on international insurances and retail. The income of the JoHo Company is used for 100% to enable the objectives of the JoHo foundation.
  • The JoHo Foundation has a general basis and does not belong to a particular political or religious movement.
  • The JoHo Foundation chooses to stay indepent and not to apply for ANBI status or comparable regulations.

Common values ​​and JoHo culture

  • tolerance and respect for others (cultures)
  • solidarity, sympathy and friendliness
  • practical, pragmatic and independent
  • non-materialism and internationally involved
  • young or young at heart
  • equal gender distribution
  • multicultural
  • trial and error environment
  • joy in uncertainty and unknown final destinations
  • getting energy  from talent development
  • satisfaction at a facilitating role in an organization out of the spotlight
  • inspired by the journey and not the destination

JoHo internal organization

  • JoHo has a network (process) organization structure. The core of this is that the structure is derived from how people want to work and not vice versa. Attributes that correspond to the different network organizations (and largely also apply to JoHo) include:
  • no organization around structures and functions, but around processes (highly variable) roles
  • important role for coaching (learn to function independently) instead of direct leadership by a direct supervisor
  • emphasis on informal rather than formal participation
  • direct feedback from colleagues and coaches instead of performance and assessment interviews
  • Intensive use of an internal network (intranet / changing workplaces / informal consultations)
  • emphasis on entrepreneurship and self-initiative instead of hierarchy and bureaucracy

JoHo data and organizational details

The JoHo Foundation & JoHo

  • Stichting Jongerenprojecten op het gebied van Ontwikkelingssamenwerking, Hulpverlening en Onderwijs
  • JoHo Foundation; Youth Projects in Education, Assistance and Development
  • Adress: Stationsweg 2D, 2312 AV Leiden
  • KvK: 28100479
  • ING: NL74INGB0004527327
  • VAT number: NL813450317B01
  • Contact

The JoHo Company & Carrièrebank

  • The Joho Company
  • Adress: Stationsweg 2D, 2312 AV Leiden
  • KvK: 28076644
  • VAT number: NL806487100B01
  • Contact

The JoHo Insurances Foundation

  • Stichting JoHo Insurances
  • Adress: Stationsweg 2D, 2312 AV Leiden
  • KvK: 63421860
  • AFM number: 12009104
  • Contact 




JoHo: concept begrijpen

JoHo Missie, Visie & Concept

Missie & Visie

  • JoHo wil mensen en organisaties in staat stellen zich te ontwikkelen en beter samen te werken, en daardoor bij te dragen aan een tolerante, verdraagzame en duurzame wereld.
  • Via online platforms en fysieke support centers wordt steun verleend aan persoonlijke ontwikkeling, en wordt internationale samenwerking gestimuleerd.


  • Als JoHo donateur, abonnee of verzekerde verleen jij steun aan de doelstellingen van JoHo
  • JoHo steunt vervolgens jou met tools, coaching en voordelen op het gebied van persoonlijke ontwikkeling en internationale activiteiten  
  • JoHo heeft als kernservices: studiehulp, competentie-ontwikkeling, coaching en verzekeringsbemiddeling bij vertrek naar buitenland
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  The JoHo Foundation and organization details 