What is cognitive behavioural coaching? - Chapter 7

This chapter discusses the characteristics and application of cognitive behavioural coaching. Cognitive behavioural coaching (CBC) is underpinned by the theory that thought and beliefs about a situation shape emotions and that these emotions generated by the beliefs shape behaviours and actions. In other words: thoughts and beliefs > emotions > behaviours and actions. Cognitive behavioural coaching has been a growing practice since the early 1990s. CBC is frequently applied in business contexts. In this chapter, CBC is defined as: an integrative approach which combines the use of cognitive, behavioural, imaginal and problem-solving techniques and strategies within a cognitive behavioural framework to enable clients to achieve their realistic goals. CBC is a cooperative model between coach and client. This collaboration is key as, for change to occur, the client needs to accept responsibility for their part of the process. To change thoughts, beliefs and behaviours requires hard work and reinforcement. The remainder of this chapter will introduce examples of models and methods of cognitive behavioural coaching and how these are being applied in both business and personal life. In addition, some theoretical background of CBC will be discussed briefly. 

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