What is compassionate mind coaching? - Chapter 9

This chapter discusses the characteristics and application of compassionate mind coaching. Compassionate mind coaching (CMC) involves a progressive series of exercises and practices derived from mindfulness, compassion, Buddhism and other therapeutic and coaching approaches. CMC suggests that in order for people to make progress in their lives, it is better if they get in touch with their own and other people's suffering and to take steps to alleviate and prevent such suffering in the future. CMC is commonly applied with clients who engage in excessive self-monitoring, are self-critical, are shame-prone, and lack confidence. It aims to change thoughts like 'I am a failure' into 'Well, it is a new skill, everybody struggles to begin with, but with practice I will gradually improve and I cannot expect myself to be so good right now'. It is important for the coach to be familiar with the background of the client's self-monitoring system and the degree to which that is harsh, aggressive or even hating, and to get better at helping their clients to start mindfully noticing the emotional tone of their self-monitoring system, as well as to help clients to generate different emotions when they are trying to be helpful to themselves, such as affiliation, acceptance and kindness. 

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