Inspiration & Meaning Abroad


Giving meaning to yourself and inspiration to your environment


Inspire & Volunteering


Volunteering abroad and online volunteering: questions and answers

Volunteering abroad and online volunteering: questions and answers

Volunteer Work with or without own contribution and paying

Volunteer Work with or without own contribution and paying

Volunteer Work with or without own contribution?

  • All projects and jobs in which you are not only contributing by your physical efforts but also pay all costs that are related to you. If you are able to get extra funding for the projects, the circumstances and the survival chance of the project can be improved, and then you might be delivering the best contribution you can.
  • Within this type of volunteer work you have subdivision between short, mid-long and long-term projects:
  • They can vary from a few weeks till for e.g. 9 months and also the costs can vary from a little compensation for the food and accommodation to a substantial contribution for the project.
  • Expeditions or research like wildlife projects are meant for applicants with little time and experience. The contribution of the applicant is also usually the financing of the projects or expeditions.

Volunteer Work without Own Contribution

  • Voluntary work consisting of projects and jobs without the need of making a contribution of your own. In some cases room and board is included. Sometimes there’s a room available for a small fee. This kind of work can be found under ‘Paid work’. In general the projects which can be found in this category are more of a ‘serious’ nature like assisting in a guesthouse, language course institute, travel agency etc. Please note that in some cases where you don’t have to make an own contribution but do need to pay for room and board, it will be more expensive than voluntary work with an own contribution.

Volunteer Work with Salary

  • Do you have working experience which is needed abroad and are you available for a minimum of 1-3 years? In that case there are some possibilities with organizations that can arrange work abroad. Most possibilities are in forestry, technical and medical work. In most cases it will be (project) management related work in which you can put your knowledge into practice. In order to prevent disappointment you should be aware of the fact that the demand for these kinds of jobs easily exceed the available openings. As a result of this, the selection process is thorough, so you will need at least two years working experience in the field you are applying for. It is hard to state something about the salary. In some cases you will get a reasonable salary and all expenses paid. In other cases only some expenses will be paid and will you be required to do some fund raising yourself before you leave.



How to prepare for online volunteering?

How to prepare for online volunteering?

Before applying for online volunteering opportunities, make sure you …

  • Have basic IT tools at your disposal: do you have an email account and adequate access to the Internet? Both are crucial for maintaining regular communication with the organizations you support.
  • Enjoy communicating online: collaboration with organizations and fellow volunteers will take place over the Internet. To engage successfully in online volunteering, you should feel comfortable working in an online environment.
  • Consider your expectations: what is your motivation? What do you hope to gain by volunteering online? What skills and expertise can you offer an organization? Answering these questions will help you identify volunteer opportunities that are right for you.
  • Are aware of cultural differences: online volunteering connects people of various backgrounds from around the world, making it a truly multicultural experience. Being aware of cultural differences, diverse working styles and the challenges that arise from communicating in different languages is crucial to successfully engaging in online volunteering.
  • Assess your self-motivation: you will have a great degree of flexibility in terms of the time you will be spending on an assignment. Characteristically, supervision of online volunteering is irregular. It is therefore imperative that, as an online volunteer, you are able to organize your own schedule, be self-motivated and enjoy working independently.
  • Set enough time aside: you should be confident that you can dedicate enough time for your online volunteering activities. Remember, once you have signed up for an assignment, you will have made a commitment to an organization – they will, therefore, be counting on you to complete the task for which you volunteered within a specified timeframe.

Collaborating with online volunteers remains a new experience for many organizations. The initial experience of volunteering online may leave room for improvement; every online collaboration should be viewed as a learning curve for both organizations and online volunteers.

How does online volunteering work for organizations?

How does online volunteering work for organizations?

  • Organizations collaborate with online volunteers over the Internet to strengthen the impact of their development work.
  • Thousands of volunteers are ready to provide their support: professionals, students, retirees and expatriates from across the globe volunteer their skills online to help organizations address development challenges.
  • Online volunteers search on various platforms for opportunities that match their profiles and interests, and submit their applications directly to organizations offering these opportunities
  • An organization selects the volunteers they would like to involve.
  • They collaborate with the selected volunteers over the Internet.
  • They submit feedback and issue a certificate of appreciation to volunteers upon completion of an assignment.
What difference can you make as an online volunteer?

What difference can you make as an online volunteer?

Online volunteers

  • Enhance organizations’ resources: online volunteers provide organizations with additional skills and expertise that may not be available yet. Coming from various backgrounds and cultures, they bring new ideas and fresh perspectives.
  • Develop organizations’ capacities: online volunteers can increase an organization’s institutional capacities by training staff, teaching new skills or providing guidance and advice.
  • Extend organizations’ networks
  • Online volunteers learn about the organizations with which they collaborate and the people it serves, and in turn share this information with their friends and colleagues - mobilizing additional support.


  • Six online volunteers supported the Youth for Technology Foundation in establishing the Sironko Digital Village, a community technology and learning center in Uganda. They developed strategies for training courses and income generation. They created a webpage, developed marketing material, researched potential donors, managed a contacts database of supporters and conducted outreach campaigns. Finally, they made recommendations on networking equipment, Internet connection and providers, online facilities and electricity supply.
  • Online volunteers have advised a youth focused NGO in Tanzania, the Tanzania Media and Youth Development Association, on lobbying and networking, and coached members of the NGO on how to negotiate with decision makers in government, community, and the private sector. Now they confidently engage with and receive strong support from leaders at all levels, the organization’s recommendations have been relayed to Parliament, and it successfully engaged in the coordination of a National Youth Employment Summit Campaign.
  • The organization Teach a Man to Fish works towards transforming agricultural education in developing countries. After discussing the details of an assignment for designing an online game, which would help partners understand the organization’s educational model, an online volunteer realized that the project needed additional support. Through his private and professional networks, he put together a team of five engineers and artists and coordinated the team’s activities to help develop the game.
Why volunteer online?

Why volunteer online?

The image of a volunteer that usually springs to mind is the person who is physically out in the community lending a hand: building a house, cleaning up a park, reading with a child. Yet all around the globe, at any given time, thousands (if not millions) of engaged citizens volunteer virtually — using their computers, the Internet, even cell phones.

Everyone can make a difference. Share your skills, knowledge and ideas – from a computer anywhere in the world. Online volunteering allows you to…

  • Experience flexibility: By volunteering online you can directly assist development organizations, working from a computer anywhere in the world. Volunteering online gives you a great degree of flexibility, there is no travel involved and you can volunteer the hours that fit your schedule.
  • Gain knowledge and develop skills: while putting your expertise and talents to good use, you will, for example, gain knowledge on a certain development issue or on a specific region. Volunteering online will allow you to develop your existing skills, to take on new roles and assume responsibilities that your professional life may not necessarily provide.
  • Work in a multicultural environment: online volunteering is an opportunity to collaborate with people of different backgrounds from all over the world. Working in an international team will allow you to develop your knowledge of intercultural communication and understand the importance of cultural sensitivity.
  • Expand your networks: you will be in contact with people who share the common goal of advancing human development. Relations may last beyond the initial assignment and sometimes even life-long friendships may develop.

Online volunteering provides organizations with new volunteers, new and additional talent and skills, and a more diverse volunteer base. It also helps promote organizations and their mission to a much broader audience.

How to choose the right online volunteer opportunity?

How to choose the right online volunteer opportunity?

The key to success is to choose opportunities that match your skills, interests and availability. An opportunity description should contain all the information you need to decide whether or not the opportunity interests you, your skills and expertise match the requirements and your availability meets the organization’s needs. Reading the mission statement and visiting the organization’s website will help you decide whether or not you would like to support the organization and its activities.

In addition to carefully reading the opportunity description and other information provided by the organization, you can consider the following:

  • Type of organization: would you like to support for example a community-based grassroots organization, a national or international NGO, a small or large profit or not-for-profit company, a local government? When making your choice, bear in mind that organizations’ needs, capacities, resources, communication styles and experience with online volunteer management are as diverse as organization types.
  • Time commitment: how much time per week would you like to devote to volunteering online? Would you like to get involved in a long-term project, or would you rather commit to a short-term assignment with a fixed end date? The amount of time indicated in most opportunity descriptions serves as an estimate by the organization, and gives you an idea of the task’s anticipated time-frame.
  • Task & Skills: what tasks do you enjoy undertaking? What skills would you like to share with an organization to support their work? You may opt to use your professional expertise to support, or you may prefer to engage in a task that differs from your everyday job. It is perfectly acceptable to search for an opportunity that will enhance your skills or allow you to gain experience, as long as you are confident that you are able to complete the assignment successfully.
What kind of online volunteer tasks can you work on?

What kind of online volunteer tasks can you work on?

If you've got access to a computer, thousands of different volunteer projects and roles are available to you — from your home, the library, a coffee shop, anywhere with an Internet connection.

Typical volunteer oportunity themes:

  • Research and analysis
  • Writing and editing
  • Translation
  • Design
  • Project development and management
  • Training and coaching
  • Consulting
  • IT development
  • Coordination and facilitation
  • Develop, update, or manage the website for an organization or social, environmental, or political effort
  • Mentor a young person
  • Create a blog, podcast, video, or social networking profile for a nonprofit organization or grassroots movement
  • Staff a crisis hotline for domestic violence, suicide, or other critical issue
  • Review and provide feedback on an organization's strategic plan, marketing strategy, safety and security procedures, or website
  • Write a grant, get the word out on fundraising, or send emails and make phone calls to current or potential donors


  • And while it's often called online or virtual volunteering, getting involved remotely doesn't have to require an Internet connection. For example, you can use a cell phone to tag photos, text locations of community features like bicycle lanes or public parks, or even check in on and stay connected in an accessible way with a young person you're mentoring.
  • Your skills could be a programming knowledge, good writing ability, experience in project management, knowledge of another language, expertise in law or education or another profession, or simply the time to offer expert advice or answer email for the host organization. Online volunteering is perfect if you have limited time or no transportation, and also opens up exciting opportunities for disabled volunteers.
  • Online volunteers undertake a variety of assignments for organizations: translations, research, web design, data analysis, database construction, proposal writing, editing articles, online mentoring, publication design, moderating an online discussion group, or any other services that can be done through computer networks.
How can I make the most out of my online volunteer collaboration?

How can I make the most out of my online volunteer collaboration?

An organization has responded positively to your application to volunteer online.

What to do next:

  • Clarify expectations and deadlines: make sure you have a clear understanding about what the organization expects you to do. Ask for details on how the collaboration will be organized, what support the organization will provide, and clarify schedules and deadlines.
  • Gather all relevant information: do not hesitate to ask for further information on the project, the organization's mission, programmes or policies, if you feel that the organization’s website or profile page do not answer all your questions.
  • Communicate clearly and regularly: respond to emails as quickly as possible. If you are not in a position to give a detailed response right away, confirm receipt of the message and let the organization know when you will get back to them. Regular progress updates and clear communication are imperative, particularly in an online environment.
  • Address issues with honesty: be honest about your progress and about the problems you encounter. Regardless of the reason, if you cannot or do not wish to pursue the collaboration, you must inform the organization and explain why you are no longer interested. This will help the organization adjust to the situation or improve its online volunteer management.
  • Consider working with other online volunteers: team work can be more effective as well as fun. If you realize that your work would benefit from additional support, do not hesitate to suggest to the organization to put you in contact with other online volunteers.
  • Give feedback: after completing your assignment, sharing your comments on the online collaboration is very valuable to organizations. It allows them to evaluate their own performance and make any necessary changes for the future.


Inspire & JoHo WorldSupporter


WorldSupporter: What is JoHo Worldsupporter Project?

WorldSupporter: What is JoHo Worldsupporter Project?


Worldsupporter Website 


The 'WorldSupporter' platform

  • The JoHo WorldSupporter project is an online community in which individuals and organizations inspire and help each other on a local and global level
  • You can share and find everything to help someone else, travel responsibly, study well, develop yourself and work for an organization that creates a better world
  • You can gain knowledge, share experiences, answer questions, post comments and publish your own WorldSupporter CV
  • You can share your summaries, photos, blogs, magazines, events, sustainable recipes and tips for others
  • You can meet committed Supporters from over 150 countries and help make the world around them a better place

How do you use WorldSupporter?

  • You can create a WorldSupporter account in a few minutes and it is integrated into your Personal WorldSupporter profile.
  • Your WorldSupporter profile is comparable to your own platform for all content that you create or disable on WorldSupporter.
  • Your WorldSupporter profile also shows all content recently created by the organizations, groups and people you personally follow.
  • Your WorldSupporter profile indicates what you powerfully contribute to the world around you. It shows what you do for others, during your education, during your work, on holiday or in your spare time. The goal is to inspire others to contribute more to the development of the world of specifically your favorite projects and charities. Moreover, it is also a tool with which you can create a good picture for yourself or those around you of your activities, the role you play or the goals you want to achieve in life.
  • Snce WorldSupporter is an independent platform with its own mission and objective, you will also be asked to create your own WorldSupporter mini-CV so that your fellow supporters can get an idea of ​​you and you get a good idea of ​​the people and organizations you would will follow.


Partners & Projects


Partner selection: Accommodation & Hostels

Partner selection: Accommodation & Hostels


Insurances for activities abroad


Travel insurances & International insurances: introduction

Travel insurances & International insurances: introduction

Travel Insurances

  • A long trip is the adventure of a lifetime and will broaden your world view. Experience what it is like to live in a different culture and let it change you, for the better! Meet new and interesting people, make life long friends and be awed by totally different cultures and traditions.
  • Let those pictures of breathtaking views and chilled out crowds be an inspiration for your trip. JoHo is here to encourage you to make it happen and to help you prepare for the stressful sides of traveling. A change of diet (and not to mention hygiene) may upset your stomach. Something unexpected might happen back home that may cut your travels short. JoHo can help you find the tools to deal with these situations and be prepared for both the up- and the downsides of traveling!
  • A crucial part for a carefree journey is a good travel insurance. On this page you can read more about JoHo's travel insurances for backpackers and (longterm) travelers and what to care for.    

Why should you take out specialized travel insurance for a long trip abroad?

  • Regular travel or health insurances often only cover trips for a maximum number of days (for example 60, 90 or 180 days). This limits your flexibility!
  • Your health insurance from back home may not offer any coverage abroad or only in specific hospitals.
  • During a long trip you might undertake special activities like paid work or volunteering. Regular travel insurances usually don’t cover these kind of activities. The same goes for adventurous sports like skydiving, scuba diving and bungee jumping.

Options for Travel Insurance for a long trip abroad

Insurance for talent

International JoHo Insurances

JoHo Insurances provides advice on international insurances to everyone who goes abroad for a long time. Worldwide, for emigration, work, study and travel.

JoHo: crossroad selection
JoHo: footprints
  • Leave footprints on the site by adding pages to your own bundles

Add a footprint 

More about the JoHo Foundation and your  insurances

JoHo & Insurances: why?

Why Insurances through JoHo

  • Specialized: in emigration, work, internships, study and travel abroad.

  • Service: JoHo offers multiple travel insurances by multiple companies. Thanks to JoHo's extensive experience, it can offer support in case of problems with insurers, as well as advice and fast and personal handling.

  • Safe: JoHo is recognized as a trustworthy intermediary for insurances.

  • Social: by purchasing an insurance through JoHo you provide a talented student in The Philippines with health insurance

Why Should You Take Out A Travel Insurance?

  • The chance of getting injured or ill is generally higher than when you would have stayed at home. The medical care you will need can be very expensive, even more so if you are treated in a private clinic.

  • If you have to fly back because of family circumstances, the flights might be more expensive than your original flight because you have to fly on short notice.

  • You might have to deal with the damage, loss or theft of your luggage.

  • In case of emergency it can be difficult to figure out what to do. A good travel insurance will have an assistance team on standby for you 24/7 and will be able to tell you what steps to take.

Why Should You Specifically Take Out A Travel Insurance For A Long Trip Abroad?

  • Often regular travel or health insurances only cover trips for a maximum number of days (for example 60, 90 or 180 days).

  • Depending on your home country, your health insurance might not offer any coverage for treatment abroad.

  • During a long trip you might consider specific activities, like paid work or volunteering. Regular travel insurances often don’t cover these kind of activities. The same goes for adventurous/ hazardous sports like skydiving, scuba-diving and bungee jumping.

More on why to use JoHo

  • JoHo is one of the few organizations where you can directly purchase a comprehensive range of foreign insurances from a variety of insurers. As with our other products and services, we believe that you should be able to choose between the best, the most cost effective and the most specialized insurance.

  • JoHo offers various possibilities from combining insurances to assisting in transferring from one insurer to another.

  • When you purchase an insurance policy through JoHo, you will not pay more than if you had purchased it directly from the insurer. Sometimes (through special collective agreements) you will even pay less.

  • JoHo offers support with problems that may arise with the insurer. Sometimes disagreement with claims, cancellation notice or insurance premiums can occur. In this situation it helps if you have the assistance of an organization who has an established relationship with the insurer.

Insurances: contact

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