What is the challenge of multicultural work groups and teams? - Chapter 8

Four distinctive characteristics of work groups in organizations have been identified. Work groups are social systems that have boundaries with members who have different roles and are dependent on each other. Both people within the group and those on the outside will recognize the group’s existence. The groups have a task to perform and work groups function in an organizational context. There are three types of work groups:

  • Task forces. These are work groups in organizations. They focus on the completion of a specific project, within a limited time frame. Members are selected based on the task-related skills required by the group.
  • Crews. Crews focus on the tools required in the performance of the task. The interaction between group members is based on the use of tools. Tools are defined as task-related implements or devices.
  • Organizational teams. This type of work group focusses on the interrelationship between the group members. These teams are sets of people with specific skills and abilities who are provided with tools and procedures to address certain sets of tasks over a long period of time.

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