What is the future perspective of health psychology? - Chapter 18 (4th edition)

Important variables that influence behavior are included in theories about health. These theories are always evolving and becoming more extensive. As a result, the theories are recent and form a basis for interventions. An example is quitting smoking. Many professionals think it is best to scare them so that they will change. But psychological theories offer alternative factors that may make more sense:

  • The health belief model suggests that we should not only convince smokers that smoking leads to illness, but that we should also convince them that the benefits of giving up smoking are greater than the benefits of continuing to smoke.

  • The theory of planned behavior further emphasizes the role of attitudes and beliefs in behavioral change. It also indicates the role of peers and other important people in the development of personal smoking cessation strategies. Planning behavioral change is emphasized.

  • Social cognitive theory suggests that people must first believe that they can stop smoking before trying. This can be done by observing coping models.

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