Analyse & Onderzoek in je omgeving of het buitenland


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5.2. Chapters
What are the main characteristics of an exploratory factor analysis? - Chapter 18
What is meant by an ANCOVA? - Chapter 13
What is meant by the bias beast? - Chapter 6
What does statistics consist of? - Chapter 2
Why does an evil teacher force students to learn statistics? - Chapter 1
Wat is de essentie van kwalitatief onderzoek? - Chapter 1
Wat zijn gevolgtrekkingen voor categorische data? - Chapter 9
Wat zijn distributies? - Chapter 1
Wat zijn statistische gevolgtrekkingen voor distributies? - Chapter 7
Wat zijn statistische gevolgtrekkingen? - Chapter 6
Wat zijn steekproefdistributies? - Chapter 5
Hoe moet je data verzamelen? - Chapter 3
Wat zijn statistische verbanden? - Chapter 2
Which techniques are used for resampling and nonparametric approaches to data? - Chapter 18
How can the analysis of (co)variance be viewed as a special case of multiple regression? - Chapter 16
When and how to use log-linear models? - Chapter 17
What is the procedure for multiple regression? - Chapter 15
How to apply the analysis of variance for repeated-measures designs? - Chapter 14
How to use the ANOVA for two or more independent variables? - Chapter 13
How to compare means for different treatment groups? - Chapter 12
How to apply the analysis of variance? - Chapter 11
Which other correlation techniques can be used? - Chapter 10
How to calculate the relationship between variables? - Chapter 9
What is the power of a statistical test? - Chapter 8
How to test hypotheses about means? - Chapter 7
When and how to use the Chi-square test? - Chapter 6
What are the important basic concepts of probability? - Chapter 5
How can you test hypotheses? - Chapter 4
Why and how is the normal distribution used? - Chapter 3
How can data be described and explored? - Chapter 2
What are important concepts of research? - Chapter 1
Wat zijn statistische gevolgtrekkingen voor proporties? - Chapter 8
Wat is regressie? - Chapter 10
Wat is logistische regressie? - Chapter 14
What are the nine major sources of information about tests? - Chapter 2
How to develop a test? - Chapter 6
What is neuropsychological assessment? - Chapter 10
What are projective techniques? - Chapter 14
In which way can data be explored with graphs? - Chapter 5
What are the main characteristics of the linear model? - Chapter 9
What is meant by a MANOVA? - Chapter 17
What is meant by multilevel linear models? - Chapter 21
Wat is tweeweg ANOVA? - Chapter 13
How is validity related to psychological testing? - Chapter 5
How to apply a group test of mental ability? - Chapter 9
How is testing applied in clinical settings? - Chapter 13
What are the commonly used symbols in statistics? - Chapter 0
What does the SPSS statistics environment look like? - Chapter 4
What is meant by the correlation between variables? - Chapter 8
How are different independent means compared with each other? - Chapter 12
What are mixed designs? - Chapter 16
What is meant by a loglinear analysis? - Chapter 20
Wat werkt kansrekening in de statistiek? - Chapter 4
Wat is eenweg ANOVA? - Chapter 12
How is reliability related to psychological testing? - Chapter 4
How to administer individual intelligence test? - Chapter 8
What are objective personality tests? - Chapter 12
How to deal with ethical and legal issues in testing? - Chapter 16
What are the limits of statistical research? - Chapter 3
What is meant by a non-parametric test? - Chapter 7
What is meant by moderation, mediation and multicategory predictors? - Chapter 11
What is meant by a repeated-measures design? - Chapter 15
How can categorical variables be analyzed? - Chapter 19
Wat is meervoudige regressie? - Chapter 11
Wat zijn nonparametrische toetsen? - Chapter 15
What are test norms and how to use them? - Chapter 3
How to study intelligence? - Chapter 7
How to test achievement? - Chapter 11
How to measure interests and attitudes? - Chapter 15
How can two means be compared? - Chapter 10
What is meant by a factorial design? - Chapter 14
What is psychological testing? - Chapter 1
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