JoHo: crossroad bundle


Assortment guides Bachelor 1 and 2


Assortment per course with Psychology Bachelor 1 - Semester 1 at University of Leiden

Assortment per course with Psychology Bachelor 1 - Semester 1 at University of Leiden


Block 1

Introduction to Psychology

    Online Summaries and study assistance with Psychology on

    Other online Summaries and study assistance with Introduction to Psychology on

    Studying the course Introduction to Psychology

    • About the course: In the Introduction to Psychology course, you will be introduced to the main trends within Psychology, you will become acquainted with empiricism and nativism, with Piaget and Pavlov and you will learn who dreams more often: children or adults.
    • Examtips: As with most introductory courses, many subjects only touch the tip of the iceberg and are likely to leave you feeling a bit hazy. Don't be put off, as the years go by you will gain more and more insight into the relationship with your studies and your appreciation will also grow.

    Introduction to Methodology and Statistics

      Online Summaries and study assistance with Statistical Methods for Psychology on

      Online Summaries and study assistance with Introduction to Behavioral Research Methods on

      Other online Summaries and study assistance with Introduction to Methodology and Statistics on

      Studying the course Introduction to Methodology and Statistics

      • About the course: During this course you will learn to deal with the core concepts and basic principles of research and descriptive statistics. You will be introduced to the concepts of correlation and validity and at the end of the course you will be able to calculate how likely it is that you will pass the course if you have attended all lectures and have an IQ of 120.
      • Examtips: For most students statistics has not been the reason to study Psychology. For some it will even be a reason to stop. However, if you invest a little bit during this course, you will benefit from it during your entire study.

      History of Psychology

        Online Summaries and study assistance with Chapters on History of Psychology on

        Other online Summaries and study assistance with History of Psychology on

        Studying the course History of Psychology

        • About the course: In this course you dive into history. You explore the interfaces of psychology with philosophy and physiology. You will become acquainted with Freud, Kant and Darwin and many others that you will continue to encounter during your studies in the coming years.
        • Examtips: You learn so many different names of philosophers in this course, of which you had only vaguely heard until recently, that the course sometimes resembles the introduction period at your new university. Just like with the introduction round with your new group, try to think of something for yourself with which you associate and remember that person.

        Block 2

        Personality, Clinical and Health Psychology

          Online Summaries and study assistance with Personality, Clinical and Health Psychology on

          Other online Summaries and study assistance with Personality, Clinical and Health Psychology on

          Studying the course Personality, Clinical and Health Psychology

          • About the course: This course provides a general introduction to clinical and health psychology and the psychology of personality relevant to it.
          • Examtips: The exam is about the main literature. The supplementary literature for this course is mainly for a better understanding or good substantiation of your argumentation in your paper, presentation and work group assignments.

          Inferential Statistics

            Online Summaries and study assistance with Statistical Methods for Psychology on

            Other online Summaries and study assistance with Inferential Statistics on

            Studying the course Inferential Statistics

            • About the course: This course builds on the knowledge of the course Introduction to Methodology and Statistics.

            ......Read more
            Assortment Pointer with Psychology Bachelor 2 - Semester 1 at University of Leiden

            Assortment Pointer with Psychology Bachelor 2 - Semester 1 at University of Leiden


            Block 1

            Developmental Psychopathology

            Online Summaries and study assistance with Abnormal Child and Adolescent Psychology on

            Other online Summaries and study assistance with Developmental Psychopathology on

            Studying the course Developmental Psychopathology

            • About the course: The Developmental Psychopathology course teaches you to look at various problems and disorders in childhood and adolescence from a developmental psychopathological perspective.


            Online Summaries and study assistance with Psychometrics: An Introduction on

            Other online Summaries and study assistance with Psychometrics on

            Stress, Health, and Disease

            Online Summaries and study assistance with Why Zebra's Don't Get Ulcers on

            Other online Summaries and study assistance with Stress, Health, and Disease on

            Studying the course Stress, Health, and Disease

            • About the course: In this course, you will learn about the causes and effects of stress. You will also gain experience in systematically collecting information about a subject you study. This course builds on the knowledge of the courses 'Introduction to Psychology' and 'Personality, Clinical and Health Psychology'

            Block 2


            Online Summaries and study assistance with The Science of Consciousness on

            Other online Summaries and study assistance with Consciousness on

            Group Dynamics

            Online Summaries and study assistance with Group Dynamics on

            Online Summaries and study assistance with Lord of the flies on

            Other online Summaries and study assistance with Group Dynamics on

            Studying the course Group Dynamics

            • About the course: This course builds on the knowledge of the course Social and Organizational Psychology


            Online Summaries and study assistance with Psychological Testing and Assessment on

            Other online Summaries and study assistance with Psychodiagnostics on

            Studying the course Psychodiagnostics

            • About the course: This course focuses on establishing a psychological diagnosis and will in some cases lead to recognizable situations.

            Perspective on Career Planning (POCP)

            Other online Summaries and study assistance with POCP on

            Supporting content: connected summaries and study assistance with Bachelor 2 semester 1

            • All summaries and study assistance from Psychology Bachelor 2 have been moved to You will find the compiled and collected study assistance for your study with the links above per course or on the Startup page for Psychology University Leiden.
            • A large number of the book summaries for Psychology and Pedagogy in particular and the Print & Pickup shops will remain available on the familiar environment of until the summer of 2024. See the supporting content below to access the relevant book summaries and tools here on
            ...Read more


            Assortment guides Elective, Specialisation and Master courses

            Assortment Pointer with elective courses of Psychology Bachelor 2 & 3 at University of Leiden

            Assortment Pointer with elective courses of Psychology Bachelor 2 & 3 at University of Leiden


            Block 1

            Cross-cultural Psychology of Health and Illness

            Online Summaries and study assistance with Cultural Psychology on

            Other online Summaries and study assistance with Cross-cultural Psychology of Health and Illness on

            Prints & pickup with Cross-cultural Psychology of Health and Illness

            Psychology of Advertising

            Online Summaries and study assistance with The Psychology of Advertising on

            Other online Summaries and study assistance with Psychology of Advertising on

            Prints & pickup with Psychology of Advertising

            Block 2

            Artificial Intelligence

            Online Summaries and study assistance with articles of Artificial Intelligence on

            Other online Summaries and study assistance with Artificial Intelligence on

            Psychological and Neurobiological Consequences of Child Abuse

            Online Summaries and study assistance with articles of Psychological and Neurobiological Consequences of Child Abuse on

            Other online Summaries and study assistance with Psychological and Neurobiological Consequences of Child Abuse on

            Block 3

            Attention: Theory and Practice

            Online Summaries and study assistance with Attention: Theory and Practice on

            Other online Summaries and study assistance with Attention: Theory and Practice on

            Culture and Diversity at Work

              Online Summaries and study assistance with articles of Culture and Diversity at Work on

              Other online Summaries and study assistance with Culture and Diversity at Work on

              Emotion and Cognition

                Online Summaries and study assistance with Emotion Science on

                Other online Summaries and study assistance with Emotion and Cognition on

                Prints & pickup with Emotion and Cognition

                Pharmacological and Biological Approaches to Clinical and Health Psychology

                  Online Summaries and study assistance with Psychopharmacology on

                  Other online Summaries and study assistance with Pharmacological and Biological Approaches to Clinical and Health Psychology on


                    Online Summaries and study assistance with Understanding Human Sexuality on

                    ......Read more
                    Assortment per specialisation course of Psychology Bachelor 2 & 3 at University of Leiden

                    Assortment per specialisation course of Psychology Bachelor 2 & 3 at University of Leiden


                    Block 1 & 3

                    Applied Cognitive Psychology

                    Online Summaries and study assistance with articles of Applied Cognitive Psychology on

                    Online Summaries and study assistance with Applied Cognitive Psychology on

                    Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology

                    Online Summaries and study assistance with articles of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology on

                    Other online Summaries and study assistance with Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology on

                    Clinical Neuropsychology

                    Online Summaries and study assistance with Clinical Neuropsychology on

                    Other online Summaries and study assistance with Clinical Neuropsychology on

                    Prints & pickup with Clinical Neuropsychology

                    Clinical Psychology

                    Online Summaries and study assistance with articles of Clinical Psychology on

                    Other online Summaries and study assistance with Clinical Psychology on

                    Economic and Consumer Psychology

                    Online Summaries and study assistance with articles of Economic and Consumer Psychology on

                    Other online Summaries and study assistance with Economic and Consumer Psychology on

                    Block 2 & 4

                    Cognitive Neuroscience

                    Online Summaries and study assistance with Cognitive Neuroscience: The Biology of the Mind on

                    Other online Summaries and study assistance with Cognitive Neuroscience on

                    Health and Medical Psychology

                    Online Summaries and study assistance with Introduction to Health Psychology on

                    Other online Summaries and study assistance with Health and Medical Psychology on

                    Prints & pickup with Health and Medical Psychology

                    School Psychology

                    Online Summaries and study assistance with Cognitive Development and Cognitive Neuroscience on

                    Other online Summaries and study assistance with School Psychology on

                    Social Psychology in Organisations

                    Online Summaries and study assistance with Essentials of Organizational Behavior on

                    Other online Summaries and study assistance with Social Psychology in Organisations on

                    ......Read more
                    Assortment per Master Specialisation of Psychology at University of Leiden

                    Assortment per Master Specialisation of Psychology at University of Leiden


                    Applied Cognitive Psychology

                    Online Summaries and study assistance with the Master track Child and Adolescent Psychology on

                    Other online Summaries and study assistance with the Master track on

                    Child and Adolescent Psychology

                    Online Summaries and study assistance with the Master track Child and Adolescent Psychology on

                    Other online Summaries and study assistance with the Master track on

                    Clinical Neuropsychology

                    Online Summaries and study assistance with the Master track Clinical Neuropsychology on

                    Other online Summaries and study assistance with the Master track on

                    Clinical Psychology

                    Online Summaries and study assistance with the Master track Clinical Psychology on

                    Other online Summaries and study assistance with the Master track on

                    Economic and Consumer Psychology

                    Online Summaries and study assistance with the Master track Economic and Consumer Psychology on

                    Other online Summaries and study assistance with the Master track on

                    Health and Medical Psychology

                    Online Summaries and study assistance with the Master track Health and Medical Psychology on

                    Other online Summaries and study assistance with the Master track on

                    Occupational Health Psychology

                    Online Summaries and study assistance with the Master track Occupational Psychology on

                    Other online Summaries and study assistance with the Master track on

                    School Psychology

                    Online Summaries and study assistance with the Master track School Psychology on

                    Other online Summaries and study assistance with the Master track on

                    Supporting content: connected summaries and study assistance with Master tracks

                    • All summaries and study assistance from Psychology Masters have been moved to You will find the compiled and collected study assistance for your study with the links above per course or on the Startup page for Psychology University Leiden.
                    • A large number of the book summaries for Psychology and Pedagogy in particular and the Print & Pickup shops will remain available on the familiar environment of until the summer of 2024. See the supporting content below to access the relevant book summaries and tools here on
                    ...Read more
                    WorldSupporter: What is JoHo Worldsupporter Project?

                    WorldSupporter: What is JoHo Worldsupporter Project?


                    Worldsupporter Website 


                    The 'WorldSupporter' platform

                    • The JoHo WorldSupporter project is an online community in which individuals and organizations inspire and help each other on a local and global level
                    • You can share and find everything to help someone else, travel responsibly, study well, develop yourself and work for an organization that creates a better world
                    • You can gain knowledge, share experiences, answer questions, post comments and publish your own WorldSupporter CV
                    • You can share your summaries, photos, blogs, magazines, events, sustainable recipes and tips for others
                    • You can meet committed Supporters from over 150 countries and help make the world around them a better place

                    How do you use WorldSupporter?

                    • You can create a WorldSupporter account in a few minutes and it is integrated into your Personal WorldSupporter profile.
                    • Your WorldSupporter profile is comparable to your own platform for all content that you create or disable on WorldSupporter.
                    • Your WorldSupporter profile also shows all content recently created by the organizations, groups and people you personally follow.
                    • Your WorldSupporter profile indicates what you powerfully contribute to the world around you. It shows what you do for others, during your education, during your work, on holiday or in your spare time. The goal is to inspire others to contribute more to the development of the world of specifically your favorite projects and charities. Moreover, it is also a tool with which you can create a good picture for yourself or those around you of your activities, the role you play or the goals you want to achieve in life.
                    • Snce WorldSupporter is an independent platform with its own mission and objective, you will also be asked to create your own WorldSupporter mini-CV so that your fellow supporters can get an idea of ​​you and you get a good idea of ​​the people and organizations you would will follow.
                    How can I use JoHo WorldSupporter for my studying?

                    How can I use JoHo WorldSupporter for my studying?

                    Your study, your knowledge, your personal development, your WorldSupporter

                    • On the JoHo WorldSupporter platform you can, among other things, share international and local summaries and exchange experiences with your fellow students. You will find magazines from students, student organizations and many other Supporters who want to help each other

                    • Summaries, practice materials for exams, and lecture notes that you can use for your studies are shared through these magazines

                    • You can also share your knowledge on the platform and use your personal development to help others with their studies and careers. For example, you can share your self-made summaries or post your best study tips

                    • Most of the JoHo practice materials and lecture notes can now also be found on WorldSupporter to contribute to a world of knowledge sharing and personal development


                    Helpdesk, contact and support

                    JoHo & Leiden: support and organizations (English version)

                    JoHo & Leiden: support and organizations (English version)

                    Study & Support

                    Summaries and study assistance

                    • All summaries & Study assistance are published online at and JoHo
                    • The printed summaries available can be ordered through the Summaries Shops on and picked up or delivered to your home.
                    • JoHo subscribers can now also use their JoHo PinPoints for free summaries for mail orders and / or for extra benefits in shipping and handling costs.
                    • Check your study: Summaries and study assistance
                    • Pickup Point for printed summeries in Leiden:

                    Pickup partner: Labyrint - Study Association for Psychology Leiden

                    • Pickup days: Monday to Friday
                    • Pickup time: opening hours of Labyrint
                    • Pickup address: Wassenaarseweg 52, room SA55

                    Pickup partner: Emile - Study Association for Pedagogical Sciences Leiden

                    • Pickup days: Monday to Friday
                    • Pickup time: opening hours of Emile
                    • Pickup address: Wassenaarseweg 52, room SB05

                    Pickup partner: JoHo Leiden

                    • Pickup days: Wednesday afternoon
                    • Pickup time: 12:00 - 16:00
                    • Pickup address: Stationsweg 2D, 2312 AV Leiden

                    JoHo and parttime jobs

                    • JoHo is constantly looking for (parttime) employees, authors, Summary supporters & WorldSupporter bloggers.
                    • Check the current options or get in contact.

                    Insure, Travel & Inspire

                    Backpacker Outlet & Second Life Travel Shop

                    • For a range of travel items and travel recycling items you can visit the JoHo center in Leiden

                    Insurance for abroad

                    • When the adventure is calling again: check the current decisionmaking aid & advice tools on with regard to coverage with yellow and orange travel advice and the state of affairs with regard to Corona coverings.
                    • For specific questions or advice, it is best to fill in an online contactform.
                    • All insurance policies can be taken out directly via or

                    Coaching for abroad

                    • Use the renewed Themes & Tools on for amongst others
                      • Internships, Volunteer Work or Paid Work Abroad.
                      • Gap Year, Backpacking or traveling around the world abroad.
                      • Emigration & Departure abroad.
                      • Safety & Health abroad.

                    Coaching for your personal development

                    • Use the renewed Themes and Tools on for amongst others
                      • Contentions: for more meaningful work, learning and living.
                      • Competences & Skills: for better working, learning and living.

                    Join & Enjoy


                     Join JoHo as an international student in the Netherlands 


                    Become a JoHo Worldsupporter (donor) or subscriber for more support

                      Summaries & JoHo: questions and answers for international students in the Netherlands

                      Summaries & JoHo: questions and answers for international students in the Netherlands

                      What types of summaries and study assistance does JoHo offer?

                      What types of summaries and study assistance does JoHo offer?

                      JoHo summaries and study materials can be found in 6 different forms:

                      Book summaries

                      • JoHo Book summaries of textbooks or professional literature give you insight into the main and side issues of the most essential and current literature in your field

                      BulletPoint Summaries

                      • JoHo BulletPoint summaries are ultra-short summaries displayed in bullets
                      • BulletPoints can also consist of glossary and definition lists or stamp questions

                      Article summaries

                      • JoHo Article Summaries are complete summaries of scientific articles that you will use during and after your studies
                      • The essence of this can often be expressed in a few paragraphs or sometimes even a few sentences


                      • JoHo ExamTickets consist of short bullets with subject-oriented exam tips and sample questions, so that you know what you have to learn and how you should study


                      • JoHo Exam Tests consist of bundles of exam and practice questions that provide extra understanding, test your knowledge and give insight into the way in which an exam will be taken

                      Study Notes & Sheets

                      • JoHo Study notes and sheets are summaries of lectures, working groups that give you more insight into what is considered important by teachers.
                      How can I find the JoHo summaries and study assistance?

                      How can I find the JoHo summaries and study assistance?

                      Do you want use online Summaries and study assistance?

                      1. Go to the JoHo Summary Shops  of your study(year)

                      • Here on the World of JoHo website ( you will find all summaries and study assistance that JoHo has made for you via the Summaries Shops
                      • These summaries and assistance have been compiled per subject and field of study to optimally support you in passing your courses and to allow you to delve further into your study.

                      2. Check the JoHo Advice and Summaries per course

                      • In the JoHo Summaries Shops you will find JoHo Advice & Assortment Guides per subject

                      • Check the Advice & Assortment Guides for tips on the subject and an overview of the range of published and expected summaries and study assistance

                      3. Check the Course and Book Tools for your courses

                      • In the Course and Book Tools you will find all summaries, bullet summaries, exam tests and training and extra study assistance collected per course or per book

                      • Become a JoHo subscriber  or log in to study and take notes immediately

                      Do you want to use print summaries?

                      Pick up prints at one of the pickup counters (for JoHo subscribers)

                      1. Go to JoHo Summaries Shop  of your our study(year)
                      2. Check the JoHo Advice & Assortment Guides
                        • In the Advice & Assortment Guides you can see whether the Print summaries for your courses have already been published or are still expected
                      3. Go to the Printshop for your field of study
                        • You can find the Printshop with all printed summaries per year or per block in the Summaries shop of your our study(year)
                      4. Log in and check your Pinpoints
                        • Request extra Pinpoints if you don't have enough
                      5. Add the printed summaries to your shopping cart
                      6. Choose to pick up at a pickup counters (pick-up at convenient location) at JoHo or at your study association
                      7. Check the pick-up times and pick up your order

                      Have prints sent to your home adress

                      1. Go to JoHo Summaries Shop  of your field of study
                      2. Check the JoHo Advice & Assortment Guides
                      3. Go to the Printshop for your field of study
                      4. Log in as a JoHo subscriber to use your Pinpoints or order with a discount
                      5. Add the printed summaries to your shopping cart
                      6. Choose for shipping to your home address
                      7. Pay with Ideal, Paypal or Credit card
                      8. The summaries will be sent within a few working days.
                      How does a JoHo summary shop work?

                      How does a JoHo summary shop work?

                      Summary Shops

                      • Summaries Shops are overview pages per study or study phase where you can get decision aid for all JoHo summaries and study aid materials, where you can check whether the online and printed summaries are already available and where you can pick up printed summaries.

                      How does it work in short

                      1. Check the Advice & Assortment Guides for tips on the course and an overview of the summaries and study assistance
                      2. Find all summaries, bullet summaries, exam tests and training and extra study help collected by Course or Book tool
                      3. Join JoHo as a JoHo subscriber  and study online or pick up JoHo's for free at the pickup counters or have them delivered at home
                      4. Order online if you don't want to become a subscriber yet

                      What can you find in a Summary Shop?

                      • Advice & Assortment Guides:

                        • In the Advice & Assortment Guides you will find tips about the course, an overview of which JoHo's are available or expected for you online and in print and which of them are useful, necessary or essential.
                      • Course Tools and Book Tools

                        • In the Course and Book Tools you will find all summaries, bullet summaries, exam tests and training and extra study assistance collected per course or book
                        • If you are a JoHo subscriber and are logged in, you can read all summaries and study assistance per course or per book and take notes per tool or chapter
                      • Order summaries & Delivery:

                        • Under 'Printed & Delivery' help you will find a link to the Print Shop or to a Shop Bundle per study year where you can easily order all (free) printed summaries to pick up or have them delivered at home.
                      • Join JoHo as a subscriber:

                        • If you join JoHo (for less than 1.50 per month!) you can study online for free all year round and collect at least 10 summaries for free through sponsorship of JoHo partners.

                      Footprints & Tips

                      • When you have found what you were looking for, save your pages in your own account.
                      • Anyone who is logged in as a JoHo member or subscriber can see his or her favorites at the bottom of every online page of the website or what he or she still needs to study.
                      • You can leave these footprints on every page where you are so that you can easily find your way back next time.

                      Didn't find what you were looking for?

                      • You can use the 'Helpdesk & Support' section at the bottom of any Summaries Shop or search by author or title via one of the search fields.
                      • All important study fields have their own Topic pages (in Dutch) where you can find more about the background of the study field, summaries of the most important textbooks, related vacancies, related internships abroad and other useful information.
                      • You can pose a question by telephone or the online contact form
                      How do you know whether you can already use, order or pick up a JoHo summary online?

                      How do you know whether you can already use, order or pick up a JoHo summary online?

                      How do you check the status of summaries and study assistance per subject?

                      • You can find the status of a new JoHo (summary & study assistance) in the online JoHo Summaries Shop of a study or study phase via the advice and assortment guide or via the Announcements in the Subject or Book Tools.


                      • If the status is set to 'Published', the online summary can be used immediately by JoHo subscribers and the print summary can be ordered immediately for pickup or to have it sent to your home.


                      • If the status is set to 'Expected', this means that the summaries are still being written and/or edited.
                      • If a summary is expected, an indication of the publication date is always indicated. In practice, summaries, or the first part of the summaries, are often published before the expected dates.


                      • JoHo strives to make the summary available at latest on the expected date, but it is of course possible that this will be changed.
                      • Authors often work under great time pressure and in a number of cases the prescribed literature is known late. Thank you in advance for understanding if this causes delay in a single case.

                      What are the options for getting free Print summaries?

                      Pick up at your study association

                      • The possibilities may differ per study association and there may be different times when it is possible to pick up
                      • In the summaries shop of your study year you can see if, how and when there are pick-up options and your study association will also communicate about it via social media and websites.

                      Pick up at a JoHo support center

                      • Weekly pick-up options are available in one of the JoHo support centers. For the current pick-up times, see the contact with JoHo page
                      Who makes the JoHo summaries and study assistance?

                      Who makes the JoHo summaries and study assistance?


                      • JoHo works with authors who have completed and understood the courses and subjects at an earlier stage (Master students, graduates, tutors) and who are therefore considered able to stand 'above the material'. The notes of the lectures and tutorials are made by students who follow the course themselves.

                      • The quality per author can of course differ, but in general the summaries are of high quality.

                      • Understanding requested: it is possible that the authors of JoHo, when making lecture notes or summaries of which the literature is published late, work under great time pressure and occasionally do not meet their average quality. This is generally indicated with the relevant summary and this summary can then be used online free of charge.

                      Master students, graduates, tutors

                      • Create summaries of books and articles
                      • Create subject-oriented ExamTests, sample questions and ExamTickets

                      Senior students, rehearsals, experienced JoHo authors

                      • Create subject-oriented ExamTests, sample questions and ExamTickets
                      • Check and edit summaries of books and articles

                      Students taking courses

                      • Create lecture notes and sheetnotes
                      • Check and edit exam tips, sample questions and ExamTickets
                      How can I use JoHo WorldSupporter for my studying?

                      How can I use JoHo WorldSupporter for my studying?

                      Your study, your knowledge, your personal development, your WorldSupporter

                      • On the JoHo WorldSupporter platform you can, among other things, share international and local summaries and exchange experiences with your fellow students. You will find magazines from students, student organizations and many other Supporters who want to help each other

                      • Summaries, practice materials for exams, and lecture notes that you can use for your studies are shared through these magazines

                      • You can also share your knowledge on the platform and use your personal development to help others with their studies and careers. For example, you can share your self-made summaries or post your best study tips

                      • Most of the JoHo practice materials and lecture notes can now also be found on WorldSupporter to contribute to a world of knowledge sharing and personal development

                      Who can pass an exam with JoHo summaries and study assistance?

                      Who can pass an exam with JoHo summaries and study assistance?

                      Passing your exam with JoHo summaries and study assistance

                      • It often happens that students pass their exams by only studying and practicing with the JoHo summaries and study assistance - especially if the different JoHo’s are used.

                      • The final result is of course related to many more factors and the use of JoHo's therefore gives no guarantee of success.

                      • JoHo recommends using the JoHo’s as additional tools and not as a substitute for, for example, attending lectures or studying books.

                      • You can also use the specific JoHo ExamTickets that are often given with the JoHo’s for the best preparation.

                      JoHo: worldsupporter blog selection
                      Geotagging: The debate - rasalemink
                      When travelling we often like to post pictures of our adventures to social media. With our phone's gps function we can...
                      Eco-Friendliness, Fair Trade and Sustainability - LisetteMM
                      This is a bundle of my favorite articles that address Eco-Friendliness, Fair Trade and Sustainability Great gift...
                      How to Handle Stress - Ilona
                      Stress 75 to 95 percent of visits to the doctor are for stress-related conditions Allostatic load: a...
                      Curaçao - Mini travel guide - Travel Supporter
                      Curaçao is part of the Dutch Antilles in the Caribbean area which also consists of islands like Aruba and...
                      Checklist emigration - Arrange your emigration in 10 steps - Emigration Supporter
                      1. What are the issues to bear in mind when emigrating? Keep track of the emigration process; for example write down...
                      JoHo: footprints
                      • Leave footprints on the site by adding pages to your own bundles

                      Add a footprint 

                      Contact & Insurance Advice
                      Why Insurances through JoHo

                      Why Insurances through JoHo

                      • Specialized: in emigration, work, internships, study and travel abroad.

                      • Service: JoHo offers multiple travel insurances by multiple companies. Thanks to JoHo's extensive experience, it can offer support in case of problems with insurers, as well as advice and fast and personal handling.

                      • Safe: JoHo is recognized as a trustworthy intermediary for insurances.

                      • Social: by purchasing an insurance through JoHo you provide a talented student in The Philippines with health insurance

                      Why Should You Take Out A Travel Insurance?

                      • The chance of getting injured or ill is generally higher than when you would have stayed at home. The medical care you will need can be very expensive, even more so if you are treated in a private clinic.

                      • If you have to fly back because of family circumstances, the flights might be more expensive than your original flight because you have to fly on short notice.

                      • You might have to deal with the damage, loss or theft of your luggage.

                      • In case of emergency it can be difficult to figure out what to do. A good travel insurance will have an assistance team on standby for you 24/7 and will be able to tell you what steps to take.

                      Why Should You Specifically Take Out A Travel Insurance For A Long Trip Abroad?

                      • Often regular travel or health insurances only cover trips for a maximum number of days (for example 60, 90 or 180 days).

                      • Depending on your home country, your health insurance might not offer any coverage for treatment abroad.

                      • During a long trip you might consider specific activities, like paid work or volunteering. Regular travel insurances often don’t cover these kind of activities. The same goes for adventurous/ hazardous sports like skydiving, scuba-diving and bungee jumping.

                      More on why to use JoHo

                      • JoHo is one of the few organizations where you can directly purchase a comprehensive range of foreign insurances from a variety of insurers. As with our other products and services, we believe that you should be able to choose between the best, the most cost effective and the most specialized insurance.

                      • JoHo offers various possibilities from combining insurances to assisting in transferring from one insurer to another.

                      • When you purchase an insurance policy through JoHo, you will not pay more than if you had purchased it directly from the insurer. Sometimes (through special collective agreements) you will even pay less.

                      • JoHo offers support with problems that may arise with the insurer. Sometimes disagreement with claims, cancellation notice or insurance premiums can occur. In this situation it helps if you have the assistance of an organization who has an established relationship with the insurer.