Welke tips geven donateurs die zelf voor langere tijd wonen en leven in het buitenland?

Open deuren, of niet? Hoe dan ook, onderstaande tips van ervaringsdeskundigen zetten je wellicht nog wat meer aan het denken, of inspireren om echt actie te ondernemen...

  • leg je partner nooit jouw tempo op bij het maken van vertrekplannen en forceer beslissingen nooit: ieder heeft z’n eigen tempo.
  • gun jezelf ook tegenslag of twijfel, geef jezelf altijd het recht om op een beslissing terug te komen.
  • geef jezelf voldoende voorbereidingstijd; plannen kunnen vrijwel altijd nog wel even uitgesteld worden.
  • do not fight homesickness, it's part of expatlife experience.
  • don't assimilate. Instead you should blend your culture with the local culture. But never forget where you came from!
  • find a new hobby to keep you busy - be it learning a new language, cooking or running.
  • they will laugh at you. Learn to laugh along, and you'll find they never meant any harm.
  • BE FLEXIBLE! Plans change so frequently because, well, that's the way expat life works.
  • in many countries lunch is typically cheaper than dinner. Use this to your advantage to explore the cuisine of your new home.
  • mindset: Think how you can contribute and make a difference in your new environment, rather than how you can benefit only.
  • Smile. You might not be able to speak the language yet but your positive body language will set you up for success.
  • make a list of things you want to do/see/try in your new city and country. Pin it to the wall & do your best to follow through.
  • make local friends who show you around and make friends in different circles...
  • get local as fast as you can. Not by joining local expat clubs but joining local routines. Take sincere interest in local life.
  • don't let one bad experience determine your stay. There is always more good than bad.
  • keep a journal, record your honest feelings and insights. It is so great to read them later and see how you've changed.
  • volunteer your time/talents in support of local organisations. You'll make new friends and give back.
  • when you are bored, look around you and you will notice enough things to do, to keep you busy, to make a difference and at the same time and to feel more at home at the new place you are living now.

  Chapters 

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