Flip Flop Tours


Activiteiten, services of vacature via Flip Flop Tours :




Flip Flop Tours

Flip Flop Tours started from the urge to show people the Philippines away from beach resorts. Flip Flop Tours is more than just a bed, an experience. Stay with a family in the Philippines.




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Flip Flop Tours : toelichting

Curriculum Vitae Flip Flop Tours

Products & Services CV


Homestay Accommodation


  • Flip Flop Tours originated as a tour company but have grown to include services to accommodate independent travelers. They believe their homestay network will bring you the most authentic experience of Filipino life. 
  • Flip Flip Tours is focusing on:
    • You, the traveler will benefit as you grow from the experience.
    • The family will benefit from the extra income for the accommodation, as well as the shared cultural experience.  
  • Flip Flop Tours offers homestay accommodation, which is more than accommodation, but an experience. Accommodation is basic. You will find that all the houses are kept clean by the families, and despite the fact that the accommodation is basic you will realize how living simply doesn’t feel so bad after all!
    • Homestay accommodation in Bohol, Bantayan, Malapascua, Panay and Cuyo
    • Each of the homestays costs around $13 per night, with food it will cost around $1 or $2 extra
    • You can stay with the family for up to a week. Longer stays can not be guaranteed but me available on request





Flip Flop Tours : activiteiten- en vacatureselectie

Alle activiteiten, vacatures en werkmogelijkheden voldoen doorgaans aan twee criteria: de organisaties hebben doorgegeven jaarlijks 1 óf meer doorlopende activiteiten of vacatures beschikbaar te hebben, en ze zijn in te vullen door Nederlanders. Kom je een vacature of activiteit tegen die niet meer aan deze criteria voldoet, laat het JoHo dan even weten. Bij voorbaat dank!

Activiteiten en vacatures van de organisatie



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