Assortment Pointer with elective courses of Psychology Bachelor 2 & 3 at University of Leiden


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Summaries and study assistance for Psychology

Elective courses at the University of Leiden


Block 1

Cross-cultural Psychology of Health and Illness

Online Summaries and study assistance with Cultural Psychology on

Other online Summaries and study assistance with Cross-cultural Psychology of Health and Illness on

Prints & pickup with Cross-cultural Psychology of Health and Illness

Psychology of Advertising

Online Summaries and study assistance with The Psychology of Advertising on

Other online Summaries and study assistance with Psychology of Advertising on

Prints & pickup with Psychology of Advertising

Block 2

Artificial Intelligence

Online Summaries and study assistance with articles of Artificial Intelligence on

Other online Summaries and study assistance with Artificial Intelligence on

Psychological and Neurobiological Consequences of Child Abuse

Online Summaries and study assistance with articles of Psychological and Neurobiological Consequences of Child Abuse on

Other online Summaries and study assistance with Psychological and Neurobiological Consequences of Child Abuse on

Block 3

Attention: Theory and Practice

Online Summaries and study assistance with Attention: Theory and Practice on

Other online Summaries and study assistance with Attention: Theory and Practice on

Culture and Diversity at Work

    Online Summaries and study assistance with articles of Culture and Diversity at Work on

    Other online Summaries and study assistance with Culture and Diversity at Work on

    Emotion and Cognition

      Online Summaries and study assistance with Emotion Science on

      Other online Summaries and study assistance with Emotion and Cognition on

      Prints & pickup with Emotion and Cognition

      Pharmacological and Biological Approaches to Clinical and Health Psychology

        Online Summaries and study assistance with Psychopharmacology on

        Other online Summaries and study assistance with Pharmacological and Biological Approaches to Clinical and Health Psychology on


          Online Summaries and study assistance with Understanding Human Sexuality on

          Other online Summaries and study assistance with Sexology on

          Block 4

          Psychotherapy: Theory, Research & Practice

            Online Summaries and study assistance with Current Psychotherapies on

            Online Summaries and study assistance with Essential research findings in counselling and psychotherapy on

            Other online Summaries and study assistance with Psychotherapy: Theory, Research & Practice on

            The Adolescent Brain

              Online Summaries and study assistance with articles of The Adolescent Brain on

              Other online Summaries and study assistance with The Adolescent Brain on

              Supporting content: connected summaries and study assistance with elective courses

              • All summaries and study assistance from Psychology elective courses have been moved to You will find the compiled and collected study assistance for your study with the links above per course or on the Startup page for Psychology University Leiden.
              • A large number of the book summaries for Psychology and Pedagogy in particular and the Print & Pickup shops will remain available on the familiar environment of until the summer of 2024. See the supporting content below to access the relevant book summaries and tools here on
              Mededelingen en laatste stand van tool, wijzer, vak of boek


              Block 1

              Cross-cultural Psychology of Health and Illness

              Online Summaries and study assistance with Cultural Psychology on

              Other online Summaries and study assistance with Cross-cultural Psychology of Health and Illness on

              Prints & pickup with Cross-cultural Psychology of Health and Illness

              Psychology of Advertising

              Online Summaries and study assistance with The Psychology of Advertising on

              Other online Summaries and study assistance with Psychology of Advertising on

              Prints & pickup with Psychology of Advertising

              Block 2

              Artificial Intelligence

              Online Summaries and study assistance with articles of Artificial Intelligence on

              Other online Summaries and study assistance with Artificial Intelligence on

              Psychological and Neurobiological Consequences of Child Abuse

              Online Summaries and study assistance with articles of Psychological and Neurobiological Consequences of Child Abuse on

              Other online Summaries and study assistance with Psychological and Neurobiological Consequences of Child Abuse on

              Block 3

              Attention: Theory and Practice

              Online Summaries and study assistance with Attention: Theory and Practice on

              Other online Summaries and study assistance with Attention: Theory and Practice on

              Culture and Diversity at Work

                Online Summaries and study assistance with articles of Culture and Diversity at Work on

                Other online Summaries and study assistance with Culture and Diversity at Work on

                Emotion and Cognition

                  Online Summaries and study assistance with Emotion Science on

                  Other online Summaries and study assistance with Emotion and Cognition on

                  Prints & pickup with Emotion and Cognition

                  Pharmacological and Biological Approaches to Clinical and Health Psychology

                    Online Summaries and study assistance with Psychopharmacology on

                    Other online Summaries and study assistance with Pharmacological and Biological Approaches to Clinical and Health Psychology on


                      Online Summaries and study assistance with Understanding Human Sexuality on

                      Other online Summaries and study assistance with Sexology on

                      Block 4

                      Psychotherapy: Theory, Research & Practice

                        Online Summaries and study assistance with Current Psychotherapies on

                        Online Summaries and study assistance with Essential research findings in counselling and psychotherapy on

                        Other online Summaries and study assistance with Psychotherapy: Theory, Research & Practice on

                        The Adolescent Brain

                          Online Summaries and study assistance with articles of The Adolescent Brain on

                          Other online Summaries and study assistance with The Adolescent Brain on

                          Supporting content: connected summaries and study assistance with elective courses

                          • All summaries and study assistance from Psychology elective courses have been moved to You will find the compiled and collected study assistance for your study with the links above per course or on the Startup page for Psychology University Leiden.
                          • A large number of the book summaries for Psychology and Pedagogy in particular and the Print & Pickup shops will remain available on the familiar environment of until the summer of 2024. See the supporting content below to access the relevant book summaries and tools here on
                          JoHo Tools with Psychology Electives at Leiden University 23/24

                          JoHo Tools with Psychology Electives at Leiden University 23/24

                          Assortment Pointer with elective courses of Psychology Bachelor 2 & 3 at University of Leiden
                          Summaries and study assistance with Attention: Theory and Practice by Johnson & Proctor – Booktool
                          Summaries and study assistance with Emotion Science by Fox – Booktool
                          Summaries with Psychopharmacology by Ettinger - Booktool
                          Summaries and study assistance with Understanding Human Sexuality by Hyde & Delamater - Booktool
                          Summaries and study assistance with Essential Research Findings in Counselling and Psychotherapy by Cooper - Booktool
                          JoHo nieuwsupdates voor inspiratie, motivatie en nieuwe ervaringen: winter 23/24

                          Projecten, Studiehulp en tools:

                          • Contentietools: wie in deze dagen verwonderd om zich heen kijkt kan wellicht terecht op de pagina's over tolerantie en verdraagzaamheid en over empathie en begrip, mocht dat niet voldoende helpen check dan eens de pagina over het omgaan met stress of neem de vluchtroute via activiteit en avontuur in het buitenland.
                          • Competentietools: voor meer werkplezier en energie en voor betere prestaties tijdens studie of werk kan je gebruik maken van de pagina's voor vaardigheden en competenties.
                          • Samenvattingen: de studiehulp voor Rechten & Juridische opleidingen is sinds de zomer van 2023 volledig te vinden op JoHo Voor de studies Pedagogiek en Psychologie kan je ook in 2024 nog op terecht.
                          • Projecten: sinds het begin van 2023 is Bless the Children, samen met JoHo, weer begonnen om de slum tours nieuw leven in te blazen na de langdurige coronastop. Inmiddels draaien de sloppentours weer volop en worden er weer nieuwe tourmoeders uit deze sloppen opgeleid om de tours te gaan leiden. In het najaar van 2023 is ook een aantal grote dozen met JoHo reiskringloop materialen naar de Filipijnen verscheept. Bless the Children heeft daarmee in het net geopende kantoortje in Baseco, waar de sloppentour eindigt, een weggeef- en kringloopwinkel geopend.

                          Vacatures, Verzekeringe en vertrek naar buitenland:

                          World of JoHo:

                          • Leiden: de verbouwing van het Leidse JoHo pand loopt lichte vertraging op, maar nadert het einde. Naar verwachting zullen eind februari de deuren weer geopend kunnen worden.
                          • Den Haag: aangezien het monumentale JoHo pand in Den Haag door de gemeente noodgedwongen wordt afgebroken en herbouwd, zal JoHo gedurende die periode gehuisvest zijn in de Leidse vestiging.
                          • Medewerkers: met name op het gebied van studiehulpcoördinatie, internationale samenwerking en internationale verzekeringen wordt nog gezocht naar versterking!

                          Nieuws en jaaroverzicht 2023 -2024





                          Labyrint Leiden: Print- & Pickup Shop




                          JoHo: crossroads uit de selectie