Bless the Children Foundation


Bless the Children Foundation

Bless the Children Foundation

Bless strives for a better future for Filipino children. The better future will be offered to selected families of the poorest of the poor in Metro Manila. The method being used is to give power back to the families, mothers specifically. The mothers are becoming the tourleaders of the tour. To have your child sponsored to go to school or be part of the malnutrition program, the families are empowered and helped in an holistic way. So the results are more long term and self esteem is given back to the people.

Smokey slum tours

Bless the Children Foundation is also the organization that is carries out Smokey slum tours, the training of the tourleaders in the slums, and the bookings of the tours. You can contact them by mail only

Contact & Links
Bless the Children Foundation
18 Maginoo Street., Brgy 105 Zone 8 District 1
Tondo, Manila, Philippines 1013



Connections can fail due to the local conditions.

Please mail to alternatively







Contact directly Bless the Children Foundation in Manila by mail only!


Bless the Children Foundation : voordelen voor wie bij JoHo is aangesloten
  • BYSMP Bless the Children will offer benefits to JoHo members. Depending on the activities and length of stay, a specific custom made orientation program will be offered.
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Organisatie CV
Bless the Children Foundation : in beeld
Contact & Links
Bless the Children Foundation
18 Maginoo Street., Brgy 105 Zone 8 District 1
Tondo, Manila, Philippines 1013



Connections can fail due to the local conditions.

Please mail to alternatively




Bless the Children Foundation : activiteiten- en vacatureselectie

Alle activiteiten, vacatures en werkmogelijkheden voldoen doorgaans aan twee criteria: de organisaties hebben doorgegeven jaarlijks 1 óf meer doorlopende activiteiten of vacatures beschikbaar te hebben, en ze zijn in te vullen door Nederlanders. Kom je een vacature of activiteit tegen die niet meer aan deze criteria voldoet, laat het JoHo dan even weten. Bij voorbaat dank!

Activiteiten en vacatures van de organisatie



JoHo WorldSupporterWork together - WorldSupporter






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